
It played pretty poorly then, but it was thrilling to see Persian Korean and Latino actors featured for the first time back when all the major movies & tv greenlighted in multiculti LA were pretty much black & white.

Amazing that GN&GL was even nominated, when Crash had so much publicity. All I knew bout it then was Clooney—din't see it until years later and it is excellent. The inclusion of the actual testimony of the unknown but real Negro clerk who lost her job because her deceased husband was on the mailing list for a

Everyone I asked her said"Oh do you mean cronut?" which was a craze a couple of years ago here. When I googled cruller & Los Angeles it was always "french cruller" & there was one place in Little Tokyo featuring them heavily—-with whipped cream and fruit! anything tastes good with whipped cream and fruit!

He's despicable. His girlfriend gives him so many opportunities to say he wants a non -exclusive non-engaged relationship but he is not even honest with himself & shames Rachel about her breakdown using it as an excuse for rejecting her as a "real" relationship & accepting her as a hookup who he really cares about but

Her aunt made that decision and has the knowledge & responsibility to share with LIly at whatever stage in the girl's life some or all of Mary's struggle, as well as the truth about her father's violence(tho, like Rachel, she did not see his devastating psychological attack in the trailer that we as audience did get

When he watched the Girl in 5B Die without raising a finger to save her?

Pretty early on he let Jesse's girlfriend die. Pretty cold!

Tho since she'd been typecast before as a straight up villain & was pretty harsh in the beginning of the show, for those of us thought of her as a bunny boiler & Cruella De Ville, she came across mostly as a straight up villain.

That's why Quinn considers her worth 5 Ferraris to the show: f1)iguring out the heartwarming angle of a note to Lily Ann from her loving mother who did it for her daughter's present & future well-being, and "finding" it in the child's teddy bear, where the police would not have had any reason to look inside! 2)

Can you get them at all? We have chorros, croissants,pan dulce, donuts, fauxnuts and whatever you get in Starbucks, but I've never even heard of a cruller.

Brilliant observation. I get so caught up in the art direction for Anderson's films that I overlooked the name selection. I think he'd hyphenate, tho: Benoit Swan Pouffer. The actual BSP was quite photogenic, too!
To me tho the Hebrew Hammer is the opposite of a Ken doll tho. Mine were all expressionless,bland & so

You kind of answered your own question. They "passed" because they were athletic enough without showing too much vulnerability or grace and both played pretty much played the traditional male role. No tenderness, eroticism, or even spotlighted eye contact: that is reserved for male/female pairings. wouldn't it be

Yes, I have done much work to support adoption(tutoring at a parish home for pregnant high schoolers back when they weren't allowed in parochial or public school classes pregnant/their families wouldn't support them & working for birthright, but this middle class married couple is almost more lacking in support of

Where is the review of the second show? It was hysterical and meta. It hit every common and uncommon low middle and high denominator, or is that demographic….. Plus he had Flying Lotus for a DJ! and the owner of Pink's Hot dog stand on the panel ???ing if a hot dog was a sandwich!

Thank you, thank you! Wish Travis had said there were happy times in the relationship instead of just saying the judges were wrong. Her smiles were at moments of positive connection.

Yes, the routine was cliche and straightforward 80's without any humor, irony, or twist in the choreography. And then they gave the poor dancers cliche costumes that would have been daring in the 80s when the scuba influence was big but weren't at all sexy, except possibly the boot/heels. I thought the dancers made

The lift was a thrill, but much of it was two dancers doing the same thing, not really partnering—especially because they showed the lines so much more than the glances.

Last season was worse for him. Father in law and mother in law were condescending & undermining and Donna was able to do her jobs and his too on the fly. She was perfectly put together, efficient & preppyish while he was floundering. It seemed like she had a solidstable career path & he had already crashed & burned.

By emotional attachment do you maybe mean neediness expressed as control? Cameron does that well, too. Or do you mean intensity? Again, Cameron matches him in that type of emotional attachment. Or do you mean looking like he's in pain/suffering? All the leads do that as well.
My "might " tho was because even Joe

You might enjoy a show that doesn't set off the cliche meter with its dialogue. More so if you were alive back then——the language is true to the time.