
It's like Italian-Americans saying "gravy" even tho they know it's sold in every grocery store as "spaghetti sauce" or British people talking about their "granny" or "mum" even tho they know the word in English is "grandmother" or "mother." It's what you are used to saying, how you always refer to it/them.
For me,

Is the same actress playing both blonde women?

Somehow I was thinking of only single women with low-paying jobs & how high the housing market had been where I'd lived. But the grandfather is not in any flashbacks, so he's been gone since before Xo got pregnant. Wasn't there something about him giving up everything to start over in U.S.? Missed any mention of

He even looked like Jake when he shed his "aw shucks" disguise.

Jane was contributing to the household expenses by working at the hotel full time al through college. She took the bus! Guessing that Xiomara was still contributing to the rent when staying at Rogelio's? Even if your folks "own" their own house, not rent, there's still a monthly mortgage to be paid as well as

I didn't look at the print because his expression was so….fraught. He thanked her & took the box but maybe his carelessness with that social security card(which was a much bigger deal back then & very private, not on every insurance form like now) was a hint that he's not so attached to that identity/persona & not

Checked & you're absolutely right! Wonder if it was related to early flight as well, since Houdini was an early solo flier as well as magician & magicians do/did card tricks.

Now I'm wondering if kids made paper airplanes before there were actual airplanes(and that's part of the genesis of gliders etc?).

Thanks! & was Bell not having family he could count on part of why this teacher was so important to him, not just his example of service?

Oh now I get why he was in Empire!

It seems like the Latina characters are silent victims & the board room/politco white guys in suits get to speak. Last time the dead Latina at least had a sister with a few lines, but this time just a lawyer to humanize her beyond generic criminal: as a flirt.

Wasn't there a sad story about his mentor/teacher or did I imagine it?

Is card'tossing a thing?

Why should they need an excuse for being in the train station? It's a public space & don't trains come pretty often in NYC even at night? Since they'd been busy thieving & didn't witness the attack or the guy stumbling down the stairs to collapse on the pole, it's likely the station had been crowded recently(how they

She was explaining that she believed their story by pandering to expected cop profiling of young black men out at night not in a work uniform, or she accepted the standard cop profiling but was able to move beyond it to detect their veracity.

When Tony turned out not to be a spy, plant, charlatan, or conspirator, I hoped they'd finally give Nolan an ongoing happy relationship. Why must all of his lovers be exiled/disposed of? Who in The Count of Monte Christo is Nolan based on?

And Nolan's hairstyles!

JA you did the best job ANYONE possibly could in this review!

Yes, and then they spent this whole season without filling in that giant gap—maybe because they couldn't make it believable? Flashbacks ad nauseum of the "new" older case characters, but not one flashback to Ellie & Joe's romance, love life, Joe's past relationships/life—-anything to show a complicated or in any

Yes, it was so striking I thought I'd missed the backstory where he lost his license for DUIs.