
I strongly disagree with you and am sure other Veronica Mars fans would as well. I loved that show from the first episode and became heavily invested in the characters early on. Veronica and her Dad Keith are one of the best father daughter pairings on TV, and Veronica also has a great relationship with her BFF

I totally disagree and think Veronica Mars was even better with balancing cases of the week and season long arcs than iZombie is. I also am surprised to hear that someone could give up on the first season of VM. I have heard of people not liking seasons two and three as much, but I think all of season 1 is

I was wondering where Blaine was. I thought David Anders was a regular, so I find it weird that he has been missing from a couple of episodes this season. Peyton is a recurring character so I am not as likely to notice when she is gone, but I do feel Blaine's absence, and it could have to do with why I did not like

I read that there will definitely be 18 episodes, not 13. They are still waiting to see if that will be increased to 22. Fingers crossed that there will be!

They were briefly more than friends in the past though, which is why Ravi thought he still had a chance with her. It is not like he has always been friend zoned and made a move out of nowhere. Some of her actions could be perceived as mixed signals as well. For example, last week she chose to sit rather close to him

I gave it an A as well. I think the reviewer should try to overlook personal bias. I love magic so that theme did further my enjoyment a little bit, but at the same time,I am not very fond of basketball but still found plenty to like about the episode from a couple weeks ago, Love and Basketball. There was so much to

I am surprised that I didn't see anyone else here mention how the idea of planning a perfect murder references Season 3 of Veronica Mars.

I think that Rose McIver and Robert Buckley have chemistry, so therefore he can't be iZombie's Riley. Marc Blucas and Sarah Michelle Gellar had no chemistry whatsoever and were a total bore to watch. Thank God for James Marsters, because if Spike hadn't been a regular during Season 4 of Buffy I might have stopped

I liked it too, but a lot of that had to do with being happy that it's back on. I missed Virginia and Bill.

I am sure if a zombie wanted to get inside a mental hospital and kill a patient there, they could figure out a way to make it happen. Major may be safe from looking for trouble himself while in there, but trouble could still come after him, and he would have nowhere to run and no weapons to protect himself if it did.

I also had mixed feelings about this episode, and appreciate your criticisms. I especially agree that it was wrong for Liv to assume that Major would be safe in a mental hospital, because there could be zombies working there and/or if the Candyman wanted access to Major there, he could probably easily get it and Major