
In an early episode Robin says 'I never played team sports', which still irrationally annoys me every time I hear it.

Yeah, no one calls their stepmother 'aunt'.

And why DID she have her wedding dress there? That seemed insane.

I don't know, I think it works just as an expression how much he loves her and how long he was wanting to meet the love of his life. It sort of reminded me of As Fast As She Can- it just could never be fast enough for him.

But the Paris trip isn't really a 'gift', it's a couple's holiday. I have no trouble believing two people with good jobs and no kids could afford a nice holiday once a year (and it probably is only that often, since they're always saying Leslie never takes time off). And the Scotland trip- remember that Ron was

@avclub-a14343d7aea171bddd5aa6b80e500fd3:disqus The buses thing is an American saying from around 1900. First used in Britain slightly later.

@avclub-17ba4b0f5b8bff185d7359c88548f8b7:disqus The OED has the first citation for 'to suck up' from 1860.

That was the worst advice anyone has ever given in the history of bad advice. You've only hounded her with professions of unreciprocated love on a dozen occasions, the last being a mere six months ago? Pffff, that's nowhere near a restraining order yet! Do it again!

That was the worst advice anyone has ever given in the history of bad advice. You've only hounded her with professions of unreciprocated love on a dozen occasions, the last being a mere six months ago? Pffff, that's nowhere near a restraining order yet! Do it again!

Yes. Why exactly did Barney have to propose the night of Ted's biggest achievement? Let alone to the love of Ted's life? What a bellend. (I realise it was all an excuse to have Robin be wearing a nice frock, but….)

Yes. Why exactly did Barney have to propose the night of Ted's biggest achievement? Let alone to the love of Ted's life? What a bellend. (I realise it was all an excuse to have Robin be wearing a nice frock, but….)