Marshall Ryan Maresca

For me, the biggest problem I have with the hate-read is the insistence that Will is Sorkin's avatar, and that Sorkin's intent is for us to read Will as Pure Awesome Brilliance.  But Will is much like Casey or Josh Lyman— passionate, brilliant, deeply flawed, and acts like a jerk.  I don't see a big difference in what

@avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus I hear you.  There's a very hostile read that's based entirely on being mad at Sorkin, and has a lot less to do with what's actually on the screen.

I say, as long as you rank #4 above #5, it's all good. 

With regards to the terrible, terrible person that is BJS, this solidifies my theory that for some people, it's less about
hetero/homo spectrum, and more about how you rank your various sexual options.

"What Was Lost" is all kinds of mess, not JUST for that.

It had to have been decided, since when John is on the cargo pod, with no chance of survival, he hears Scorpius's voice telling him he HAS to survive, and then he does his crazy jump.

I have to say, when I did my rewatch last year, knowing that Virginia had major make-up problems, the pattern of her regular isolation from the rest of the story became very, very obvious.

He spends two days making a sacred meal for the girl he loves and her new boyfriend.

Well, he kept his mouth shut about O'hare until just last month or so.  Maybe he'll have something new to say on Claudia ten years from now.

See, I also saw a big part of S5's problems stemmed from the rush to finish key arcs in S4.  He basically had to start up again from a well-stuck landing.

Man, I couldn't even get through Lost Tales streaming on Netflix.  If I actually paid for it…

Inches?  Does the internet have limited printing space?

I have a certain fondness for "Ceremonies", if for nothing else than JMS acknowledging, "BIg stuff just happened, we need to reflect."   But the Nightwatch remnants were pretty dire, performance and writingwise.

I never figured out which were the "bad" uniforms and which were the "good" ones.  Because they were all bad.

I think she more wanted to blackball him for his absurd attempts to brand himself.  Saying "period" after each point, for example. 

That wasn't 20/20 hindsight.  Plenty of people were saying that sort of thing at the time.

Orange socks?

I adore "Out of the Minds".  My biggest complaint is a petty one— in that I can see WHY the choice was made out of practicality— but I have a hard time believing that Aeryn and Crichton, each in Rygel's body, would be trying to be more physical than the Hynerian body lets them be.  I would think Aeryn, even in Rygel's

Well, Chiana doesn't speak English there, except for a handful of words.  She's learned a little bit— more than D'Argo ("Yes" "No" "Bite Me"), but nowhere near as much as Aeryn.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus   Most of the time Sam knew who he was.  There were a few episodes where he kind of lost himself to the person he had leaped into, most notable Lee Harvey Oswald.