
You know full well that Rick is going to say that Carol "didn't make it", right?

I feel bad already for that first paragraph sounding so seriously stand-offish. Never mind me, I am clearly insane.

The question is, can it crack Sonia in half before it goes away?

I am still not watching Hostages, but I think I keep reading here, because it seems to be a place of great snarky reviews and honest recommendations for shows that surprisingly don't suck. I have seen a trailer for American Gothic a while ago when I saw it mentioned on the AHS boards, now I want to see this, too.

It sounded like you thought that until now they were just faking it, because your definition of quality could not possibly apply to a show like this one. Maybe I got that all wrong.

Well, ok…didn't see a difference between that blood. Then again, I'd think Henry was supposed to eat Ichabod's sins, so that makes more sense, I guess.

Margaery fits her well, indeed…I mean,visually. Never read the books.

I love both Beharie and Mison, so first of all, you are WRONG. Well, it's subjective, of course. I see great chemistry between Mison and Beharie which manifests in a lot of good reaction shots. Beharie has many expressions and pitches. So far I can't see any kind of trademark/shtick except maybe for the Watery-Eyed

Finally, I found someone!
This episode felt more necessary than enjoyable, I think that's what it boils down to.

I don't like this definition of "quality show". The show is (usually) fun, well-acted, well-directed, -edited, -scored, -whatnot and possesses an internal logic of its mythology and plotting. That's quality.

It's very simple. Because Dracula isn't bad and isn't equally-loony. Just so, so different.

I doubt that very much. It's another Olivia and Peter in the making and they are indeed going way too fast about it. Which is extremely disappointing to me.

What is Katrina? A Mystical White Witch? I also don't think you understand this trope.

I got over Daenerys pretty quickly, on top of that.
Then again, I prefer Lena Headey to Cersei in the looks department.

I am fine with this ending, but I gave the episode a C+. So that way around is also possible.
I am certain they can do way better than this.

I know I am slightly anal about this entire grade thing, but…nobody takes it a least bit serious around here. These "at least an A- for thing XYZ ALONE" things…I can't get behind those. And you are claiming to be "looking with your critical eye" on top of that? That's a travesty.

How do you know which was which? That doesn't seem to make much sense, because afterwards he could feel the Horseman coming. Unless he could do that before, but I don't think so.

At least until the entire thing turns around and they will play for the same team to fight the real bad aka Katrina's coven.

Yeah, again, a clever scene to open with. Placed perfectly behind the hiatus which was due to…baseball. Well played!

She went from passive to aggressive, because she was playing Javadi at first. After that she took charge according to the plan. All the while not knowing that she was completely on her own.