
I guess the next two trials will harken back to the past, as well. And the MoL knowledge is going to reveal more things that would have been nice to know back in the day.

I sound a little weird there…it's not like I can't enjoy serious entertainment. But I guess for a show with many episodes and exposure to the same characters over and over, I prefer if there is a mixture. There are bits and pieces in The Americans that are lighter in tone. I am still not getting into these characters,

This is one of the most awesome "sentences" I have ever had the pleasure to read.

Hold on…I thought you were joking about all of this? But I seriously cannot tell.

I see you could write an essay about this…

(I respond here, although it's technically wrong…this board software pisses me off with the shitty nesting rule.)

Oh, it's not that. She proposed sex, not just a kiss. Dean was too focused on playing the martyr, soon. He also may have suspected that something wasn't right with Ellie. That was all on purpose, not signs of bad chemistry.

The twist wasn't obvious, as there were several options available. It just happened to be one of the most obvious (and as such, most disappointing).

I for one am glad that he is tied up in something else… 
That's what Phil was aiming at. The actor was obviously meant to be around more and they have to keep reminding us of him.

Yeah, how well-informed you are…although you are spot-on about the perceived problem, if you ask me.

This Men of Letters thing can be a good addition, after all. This was the only way I could see a point in all the emphasis on equality among Hunters and Men of Letters in "As Time Goes By". I was afraid that it would become the Deus Ex Machina Clubhouse, but they are taking the right direction with this, I guess.

The Golem episode was actually funny, which doesn't seem to have hit Phil's nerve. This episode was trying to be funny, but failed whenever it wasn't Dean, Sam or Kevin delivering the line.

It's simply not true. If he hated it, he wouldn't have given episodes B's. You may not understand why he likes a particular episode, but it's nonsense that he generally hates SPN.

Ellie had zero chemistry with Dean. Ackles can work off almost everyone, more like it. 
I wouldn't say that she is a bad actress. I mean, if you give someone lines as stupid as "She had a hit single. Hit rock bottom. Her latest album featured holiday songs. For dogs. My favorites are…[whatever that was]", how are you

So you want the review to gloss over the largest part of the episode in favor of some stand-out moments? Not that I think Carrie would do this. But it honestly sounds like most of the commenters around here don't look at the episode as a whole (any more?).

I'm beginning to feel a little disconnected from all y'all…honestly, it started very well, but then everything involving the guest stars was the worst I have seen in ages on this show. Yes, the rest was quite good. But you can't just ignore this huge part that was the setup on the farm, which was…horrible.

If you haven't seen it, watch Rubicon. There is at least one of those every episode. But you probably know that, already.

If you plant sarcasm like this out of nowhere, I guess you cannot expect it to be recognized as such.

As Phillip said, Gregory doesn't have a family. That's pretty much the only thing Phillip said to him in the entire "exchange". Well-chosen words which summarize the entire problem.

Sorry, but in light of the other comment of yours I responded to this is kinda…exactly jerk pedant, actually.