
Flashback? Are you trying to mess with us?
It was probably in the preview.

Flashback? Are you trying to mess with us?
It was probably in the preview.

You know my crackpot theory…Danny needs to be killed, because he is shutting down the power. Either that or otherwise shut down. I know you prefer the first option.

You know my crackpot theory…Danny needs to be killed, because he is shutting down the power. Either that or otherwise shut down. I know you prefer the first option.

When I read comments like this I'm always impressed by what a bunch of good people you folks must be! You would sacrifice your son to save the "mission" - easily! You would sacrifice maybe everyone to keep a former ally alive - no problem! And this all under extreme pressure and only a couple seconds to think about.

When I read comments like this I'm always impressed by what a bunch of good people you folks must be! You would sacrifice your son to save the "mission" - easily! You would sacrifice maybe everyone to keep a former ally alive - no problem! And this all under extreme pressure and only a couple seconds to think about.

@avclub-24f6f7a488efc0455e1cb95aea962bed:disqus That's what she said…

@avclub-24f6f7a488efc0455e1cb95aea962bed:disqus That's what she said…

No, I think you're just a pervert. This one is on you.

No, I think you're just a pervert. This one is on you.

I have a feeling he already had tried that prior to when we first see Rachel.

I have a feeling he already had tried that prior to when we first see Rachel.

I thought this episode was worse. I liked the previous episodes because of character interaction. Don't care that much for plot. The hallucinations were up to the task, but the whole device is boring. Undercover militia… *yawn*
Makes even me notice how stupid the plot is. That undercover story makes no damn sense.

I thought this episode was worse. I liked the previous episodes because of character interaction. Don't care that much for plot. The hallucinations were up to the task, but the whole device is boring. Undercover militia… *yawn*
Makes even me notice how stupid the plot is. That undercover story makes no damn sense.

The scale of likability for Charlie on the one side and Andrea from TWD on the other side is only sliiiightly tipping down on Charlie's side…so much for that.

The scale of likability for Charlie on the one side and Andrea from TWD on the other side is only sliiiightly tipping down on Charlie's side…so much for that.

Judging from the little I've seen of The Cape, I would say this is a pretty bad actor. However, it always depends on the situation and the "severity" of the emotion you have to convey. I guess he doesn't bother me much in Revolution, but he doesn't impress me in any way as he should being the arch nemesis of Billy

Judging from the little I've seen of The Cape, I would say this is a pretty bad actor. However, it always depends on the situation and the "severity" of the emotion you have to convey. I guess he doesn't bother me much in Revolution, but he doesn't impress me in any way as he should being the arch nemesis of Billy

@Kumagoro:disqus You are wrong. I recently dreamed (not a hallucination, though), not trying for it, and in the middle of the dream I started to be aware of it and pointing this out to someone inside the dream. It is possible. But I'd be damned if I can remember what that dream was about.

@Kumagoro:disqus You are wrong. I recently dreamed (not a hallucination, though), not trying for it, and in the middle of the dream I started to be aware of it and pointing this out to someone inside the dream. It is possible. But I'd be damned if I can remember what that dream was about.