
I noticed that when she first showed up in the previous season…and not just when filmed from the side.

That puts his much-maligned monologue towards the end in perspective, doesn't it? How it's unfair that he already had to die. If you think of each regeneration as a new entity, #10 was the equivalent to a 5-year-old.

That puts his much-maligned monologue towards the end in perspective, doesn't it? How it's unfair that he already had to die. If you think of each regeneration as a new entity, #10 was the equivalent to a 5-year-old.

Yeah, wow…I remember when the new series started. There are worlds of difference between the look of now and back then.

Yeah, wow…I remember when the new series started. There are worlds of difference between the look of now and back then.

I am surprised that nobody mentioned that he absolutely mentioned it to Amy in a little nervous breakdown. He does spell it out. Just not at the moment you were expecting it, I guess. 
I don't think he should even mention it. In fact, the talk between the two "doctors" was a bit on-the-nose for me.

I am surprised that nobody mentioned that he absolutely mentioned it to Amy in a little nervous breakdown. He does spell it out. Just not at the moment you were expecting it, I guess. 
I don't think he should even mention it. In fact, the talk between the two "doctors" was a bit on-the-nose for me.

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus A live view of her killings? To be honest, I don't remember the episode. I know she was Sam's girlfriend, but I think he wasn't around when she went out to kill. Didn't see what it was like, the look on her face. Although that's not a point in Kate's favor. When she is

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus A live view of her killings? To be honest, I don't remember the episode. I know she was Sam's girlfriend, but I think he wasn't around when she went out to kill. Didn't see what it was like, the look on her face. Although that's not a point in Kate's favor. When she is

@avclub-82dbf0e1f43223ffc175e63f2b2c3aa2:disqus You didn't get the feeling from watching that dramatic scene in which Dana calls Brody in the finale that there was an understanding between them? Carrie just told her that her father is a terrorist. In that moment she feels that there is truth to that, even if she

@avclub-82dbf0e1f43223ffc175e63f2b2c3aa2:disqus You didn't get the feeling from watching that dramatic scene in which Dana calls Brody in the finale that there was an understanding between them? Carrie just told her that her father is a terrorist. In that moment she feels that there is truth to that, even if she

(forgot the @ and it can't be edited in properly, without it the response isn't notified…if that works, anyway…stupid nesting limit)

(forgot the @ and it can't be edited in properly, without it the response isn't notified…if that works, anyway…stupid nesting limit)

"[…]you don’t have to start worrying that you’re watching a more typical action drama just yet."
And yet, that's all we get after Saul's scene. There is not a single beat in this episode that should surprise anyone. Lots has been said about how implausible the Brody plot is. It doesn't end there, though.
We also have

"[…]you don’t have to start worrying that you’re watching a more typical action drama just yet."
And yet, that's all we get after Saul's scene. There is not a single beat in this episode that should surprise anyone. Lots has been said about how implausible the Brody plot is. It doesn't end there, though.
We also have

If this were the only episode in existence, I would almost have to agree. Since it's not, I have to call bullshit on it.

If this were the only episode in existence, I would almost have to agree. Since it's not, I have to call bullshit on it.

Yeah, why not? I mean, I did!

Yeah, why not? I mean, I did!

There you see what's wrong with you. ;)