
I thought Stowe was at her best in this episode. I sometimes think her camp is too much. Her scene with Emily felt genuine. It was comparable to Czerny's performance a couple episodes back. Both at their best when "their" respective kid is in the spotlight.

I doubt this was a surprise to Nolan.
I interpreted it as him trying to get Emily to leave before Amanda enters the scene. He wanted to keep Jack out of it, because he knows that if Emily discovers that he was involved with Tyler's murder, she might use him as a fall-guy. Plus, it leads to Takeda. 
But I honestly think,

@avclub-caaa25a4a561499fd972075b3d706d9e:disqus Takeda mentioned Jack along the lines of "the other guy you have feelings for", implying that "both" refers to Jack and "the other other guy you have feelings for", that one being Daniel.

That's exactly where she's at, right now.

@avclub-0397758f8990c1b41b81b43ac389ab9f:disqus That means you are voting down an episode, because the characters make assumptions that from their point of view are completely relatable, just because you know better or you think that you do?
As for Peter not objecting: Peter was a little bit in "the zone" while talking

@avclub-ec26fc2eb2b75aece19c70392dc744c2:disqus I don't think the other Nina would volunteer to be tortured. Well, maybe she was exaggerating her pain. I was wondering if a Nina-Doppelganger would come with a bionic arm included.

I still think Mr. X is Red Henry. He killed the original Olivia by existing and requiring a reboot of the timeline. He emerged from the "zeppelin".

Yes, I also thought this was the best episode, because it was the least stupid. Some scenes clicked for me. That video nuke scene was funny, especially in the unspoken parts.

I can see the general point, but I have to say, I largely disagree with this article.

Neither Hurley nor Garcia are one-note. The writers are.

Clark was never set up as a villain. I thought the reviewer was projecting that into the character in last week's review, already. The "change" was entirely believable to me.
As it stands, it might be entertaining enough, but it's not effective at all.

I doubt it was Sensei. It was Sensei's translator. Or any other of the many female ninjas he has no doubt lined up.

This is based on a novel?

Don't think so. It was obvious. They are all dressed in the same white jacket for a reason. Daniel is not a minor character. Tyler was telegraphed to be the one. There was hope for something less predictable when he was locked up, but by and large it was the obvious outcome that it wouldn't be Daniel, at least.

Did you miss the pilot? We saw there that he was with Emily when Daniel/Tyler was discovered.  And that they were all in white and red. You had to live in fear for Nolan this whole time, that's unfortunate.

"Look, he's wearing white AND red! He plays on both teams!"

The person dropping at the outset of the episode is clearly Daniel. His face is fully shown. The only way to make this work is if he has an accomplice and they needed to stage this fall elaborately for…passers-by, I guess? (I mean, the audience.

You clearly got it wrong. The weak link is Juliet. Because she is starting to get a bad conscience about what she is doing. She will see the error of her ways and it will all be so beautiful!

They don't know about Forestraz. It looks like Petty isn't invited.

There's hope it was just his attempt at making Madsen jealous, just like Psycho made him jealous. I could do without that…