
I remember thinking in the 90's that a then recent version of Heroes was the most boring song of all time. That put me off Bowie. These days, I think the original version is one of the best songs of all time, not merely his best. Well, maybe I was right, since it's not mutually exclusive.

You go first. Be a good role model.

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus Are you serious? You want THAT GUY to have solved Lost? Anyone who liked Lost, do yourself a favor and don't waste your time with that Duphe crap. It will only make you angry. Not for the sake of the show, but for the sake of writing, this would have been an insult to

As the reviewer says, it's much more reminiscent of Lost Vikings. Which may or may not be a The Humans clone, since they were both released in the same year. Which is kind of several Lemmings rolled into one.

I like what you did there.

Thought the same thing. They obviously all have spoiler and/or actor contract knowledge, I guess. *shrug*

I think the episodes are about equal, for the reasons you mentioned. Last week worked because of Snow White and Prince Charming. This week worked because of heavy doses of Carlyle and I never liked Emma more than this time. 
(I just noticed that I am lagging one week behind and commenting on an old episode.)

Well, her father's name was Henry. It's not likely that you name your child after the one you loved most if you plan on hating his guts. This Henry may even be her father reborn in the real world.

I don't agree. I'd give every episode of Terriers at least an A-. That show didn't seem to have any machinations that I noticed or minded…it was always fresh and fun and depressing at the same time. Best show I've ever watched that was cancelled early. Yes, that includes Firefly.

1 and 3: Yeah, I still think it was him. The reaction to the question seemed different than those for the rest of them, in which he was brutally honest.It's one of the only ways to avoid that dumb mole business.

I think you got that wrong. He was talking about her multiple college boyfriends and she said something like, "Yeah, all two of them.". The point was that she wasn't as popular as Brody pictured her to be.

From a revenge point-of-view, Brody will probably never get to see Affi ever again. Once the beating is interrupted his revenge would be over. All that is left is to try and get him to commit suicide. You could argue that it would be mercy compared to what may have been in store for Affi.  
But the important point is

I like this show, but I realize that the majority doesn't have to, because it's not a great show. The reviews are fine. There is credit given when it's due. And you might consider there is nobody else willing to review it, then nothing can be done about it. I am sure there are enough places this show is obsessed over

Not really. The last couple reviews were more positive, because the episodes in general were simply more compelling to the reviewer and to a lot of viewers. They had soapy twists and momentum. This episode doesn't have either one of those, it's only setting up several of them. It's a table-setting, meandering episode.

I thought he said "Clear!", but it didn't make sense to me why he would do that. It didn't sound anything like "Sophia" to me.

Yeah, I noticed when she pronounced it "hos" instead of "hoarse".

The scene at the troll bridge reminded me of a text adventure game plot…
gold coins, evil fairy dust 
>go to troll bridge.
>put gold coins on bridge.
(cutscene, fighting trolls)
(NPC Prince Charming is going DOWN)
>examine prince charming
The Prince Charming is not here.
(oh shit)
evil fairy dust

I can't find myself to agree with most of this. I think this was a lot better than last week's episode, which was mostly Regina vs Emma with tons of bad dialog and bitchiness interrupted by a hammy Evil Queen performance, finished with an extra-predictable ending that I could almost lip-synch. (Ok, this episode's

Like with Morena Baccarin on Homeland, I'd take an ugly wig over that haircut any given day.

The flashbacks contrast and/or complement fairy tale and the present world. They also did that on Lost. Here they can't do it (so far), but there is going to be a lot of "accidental" informing of character.