
That was no shifter. Since the original was still around, it couldn't have been, because shifters need to kill those that they shift into (unless they were both shifters). Especially not, because it was made clear that "Nadine" is the only shifter on this side, as of now.

"possible shapeshifter on the inside" ??
You want another stupid mole story?

Ok, this might be a knee-jerk reaction, because after the extended break I expected too much, but…I didn't like this episode, at all.

You are a torture to read.

Hate to be this guy, but…obviously you don't hate to be that guy.

Or Estes. Or the guard. Or the razorblade was hidden under the sole or stuck inside the shoe some other way to avoid detection (just in the shoe, I doubt that). Or whoever was in charge for checking the shoes is a mole. Or someone else got in when we didn't see it.

Alright…now that our gurl Ashley revealed that she is a playa…I fully commit to the theory I half-assedly proposed during the last few weeks:
The body in the flashforward turns out to be Tyler (almost not a twist at this point), shot by Ashley.

Homeland, American Horror Story, Revenge.
If you call AHS a drama. I enjoy it slightly more than Revenge. AHS brings the weird, Revenge more standard fun. And I like weird. But it cannot win out against Homeland, which is also my favorite show this season, new or returning.

"And on that note, does it seem to anyone else like the first half of this season is written like a show that didn't think it was going to get picked up for a full season?"
I'm not familiar with the production schedule, but I seriously doubt that any of those episodes haven't been shot before Revenge started airing. I

If that was true and Emily knew, that would give a whole different meaning to the line "I am scared to fall in love with you"…

Not so certain he is dead. OriginalEmily (now all these names are going to be really confusing…I am waiting for the clever folks to make up the go-to names, don't disappoint!) said she took care of it, but we don't know how good she is at that kind of job. Being tough in juvie doesn't mean she's a professional killer.

I thought it was odd the way she demonstratively locked the door to her office. Seemed like she was making sure that Frank was watching closely. But I guess that might have been just foreshadowing for the audience. When he broke in I immediately expected it to be a setup.

It seems to be the Season Of Extra-Obvious Blue/Green Screens. First Ringer in the pilot, then Terra Nova with all that supposed budget got one right in the pilot.

"[..]or with Larry the Burn-Faced Man whacking Ben in the head with a shovel."
It was the other way around.

Yeah, I'd rather watch an over-the-top silly and original show than something boring and uninspired like The Event, for instance.
For some that's like comparing crap to shit, I guess.

So far I rated it a lot higher than the reviewer, but this time I just bumped it one grade as opposed to his one. Didn't enjoy it more than last week's. I guess I had higher expectation for a Tim Minear episode. No A-, yet.

Don't think so, because so far they come back the way they died around Murder House (going to stick with that name, now). It doesn't seem like the "ghosts" change that much after they were killed, personality-wise. Hayden doesn't turn into a psychotic killer, but she stays all conventional psycho, like she was before.

He is consulting producer, too. So he would probably like you to watch.

I wouldn't say that. There is no real comparison. AHS is openly weird and absurd, while TWD tries to take itself more seriously than most people probably would want it to.
I enjoy both shows equally. More than most of anything else that's on.

Everybody who enters The House can see the "ghosts". Ben assumes that Tate always either sneaks into The House or is let inside by Violet. To be fair, Addy has no trouble getting in and she was not a "ghost", for all we know.