
"[..]and the show remained more interesting to watch and think about than actually watch."
What was that really supposed to say?

Yes, that's nailing it. Not good style to resolve part of an arc AND mirror the Sam/Dean conflict in the MotW, therefore elevating the significance of the whole thing, in what should be a one-off/quarantine episode.

Uh…oops. The very first scene was in the 70's? Because, if it was, and that's Adelaide, then she didn't age and therefore has to be a "ghost". Then I would agree, that already pretty much nothing makes sense on this show.

1. That is starting to "worry" me. Maybe she has a spare key or there is a secret passage. Because I was pretty sure that she is not dead, as we have seen her interact with people outside of The House. She does pop up inside The House a lot. There might be no "rules", after all.

What do you mean? Burn Victim O'Hare killed her!

She was hysterical while (episode 2) and after (episode 3) being almost killed in The House. That's unheard of. Except for when she was hysterical in the pilot. I bet next week people will complain, because she is the opposite of hysterical all of a sudden.

I (am) honestly (starting to genuinely) like the show. I would lie if I said, I don't enjoy it. It's a show to the largest part based on horror. It's not going to be a deep character drama or have super-smart plotting. It's probably going to have tons of stupid actions and cringe-worthy dialog. I know that much going

Then add Supernatural to that list. There is a lot more horror on that show than there ever was on Buffy/Angel, both of which never really went for creepiness. 
Same for X-Files and Fringe. Science and the paranormal can be easily mixed with horror.
The Walking Dead features scenes with more (real) tension

Did you watch this show? It's throwing in homages (however badly) to traditional horror. No torture porn. Not once that I noticed. Stuff in glass jars is hardly an indication.

I don't think many people would describe Buffy/Angel as horror.

That's what I took away from it. I guess, if you just roll with it, this comes easier to you than all the snark. ;)

I had to grade up the episode before this one to B-, because otherwise AVC tells me that I "despised" that episode, which is simply not true. It felt way too early, though. And because I liked this epiode more than last week's, it had to be a B. That's accurate for enjoyment. I don't care to grade for quality any

Caught off guard by it, too. But the fade transition clarifies it. Not a big deal. *shrug*

Exactly…this is one criticism, I really don't get. 
All men are depicted as either crazy or jerks, if not crazy jerks. This episode they introduced: a detective who describes Moira as "that thing", a rapist and a mad doctor. How is that misogyny??

I can slow down a blink with the left eye much better than with the other one. But I can't get it to look that sticky. I am male and don't use much mascara, though.

That's definitely annoying. I have only heard people call a parent by their first name if (s)he was not the original one. I thought that he was her stepdad until that line in the episode about figuring her out since her birth.

Maybe this was supposed to be a twist on a fake cliffhanger from last week? In which case, it worked on me, too.

I thought we have seen them in the previous episode, because back then I wrote that Henry wouldn't get away with murder, because there are kids in the house. Now I am wondering how they haven't heard something, when Gemma was supposedly taken by force.

"Also: the near-silent sequence of the zombie herd was fantastic. It built near-unbearable tension that lingered even in later scenes, like when Carl loots the pickup with the corpse in it."
Yes, very good choice to stay away from music. Excellent scene with more tension in broad daylight than many horror flicks get

Immunity? If you have the virus, you die and you are immune you are plain dead. If you are not immune you become a zombie. Or did they mention that there is no immunity? 
Zombies don't eat dead meat.