
Because of his lousy costume?

There's a fairly good "Showtime Original Broadway" production of the play from 1986 with Jennifer Jason Leigh. Not great, but good, with lots of familiar faces. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Elliot appeared on the show about a month ago.

It's McQuickly.

I'm ignorant. What is "Fox" a parody of?

"It" is a delightful watch, thanks to Clara Bow.

And that's the reason I won't be seeing this.


The perfect antidote to The Girl Is Mine (and the other Mac/Jack collaborations) is You Want Her too, written with Elvis Costello.

Why didn't they have Nasim play Gaga?  I have an inkling she would be a better Gaga than Vanessa Bayer.

Marissa should definitely be invited back for another season.

Sometimes it seemed like Ed Wood had directed it.

Oppa Gangnam Style!

As I recall, Paul Young and EC do the backing vocals on Black Coffee In Bed.

Dirty Laundry has to be worse, right?


Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.

That moment in the The Office Christmas Special when David Brent is at a pub meeting a woman through a dating service.  She's a bit plain and overweight, and when he sees her, under his breath he mutters, "For fuck's sake…"

I bet the Festrunk brothers know what foxes say.

Wasn't there some controversy about having an African-American play a Vulcan on one of the Star Trek series?