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"No, it's got to be stickier.  Paula Deen is going to use this for our sex-play later."

Worf also killed Gowron's challenger for his position.  Gowron and Worf go way back, and Worf has proven himself a useful guy to have around.

Worf also killed Gowron's challenger for his position.  Gowron and Worf go way back, and Worf has proven himself a useful guy to have around.

Something nobody has noted, but I noticed the last time I watched this, is that when Quark is imitating the sing-songy teases of his youth, he makes it a point to NOT deliver those lines in a "neener neener neener" cadence - because that is the tune of HUMAN children's teasing.  He instead uses his own little tune for

Something nobody has noted, but I noticed the last time I watched this, is that when Quark is imitating the sing-songy teases of his youth, he makes it a point to NOT deliver those lines in a "neener neener neener" cadence - because that is the tune of HUMAN children's teasing.  He instead uses his own little tune for

I think the problem is that Farrell was like, 26 when they cast her.  She does a great job of being really pretty, but it took her a few more years to develop that adult bearing she needed for the role.

I think the problem is that Farrell was like, 26 when they cast her.  She does a great job of being really pretty, but it took her a few more years to develop that adult bearing she needed for the role.

Maquis episodes suffer from the same thing a lot of non-Starfleet-centered Trek episodes suffer from- the RIDICULOUS civilian clothes always knock me right the hell out of the action.  "Enterprise" and "Battlestar Galactica" clearly noticed this and went the route of just putting people in real-world outfits with

Maquis episodes suffer from the same thing a lot of non-Starfleet-centered Trek episodes suffer from- the RIDICULOUS civilian clothes always knock me right the hell out of the action.  "Enterprise" and "Battlestar Galactica" clearly noticed this and went the route of just putting people in real-world outfits with

You know, the handling of Klingons over the run of the Trek spinoffs is really interesting.  You get Worf- Worf is a badass, completely unlike anything on the original show.  All honor, and asskicking, and serious deep chocolate voice, and when you see conventions and all the people dressed in Klingon armor you can

You know, the handling of Klingons over the run of the Trek spinoffs is really interesting.  You get Worf- Worf is a badass, completely unlike anything on the original show.  All honor, and asskicking, and serious deep chocolate voice, and when you see conventions and all the people dressed in Klingon armor you can

DS9 is a show about consequences, which is what makes it great.  The Mirror Universe episodes are great for showing the consequences of Kirk's fuckery.  I only wish they'd had time to go investigate the Nazi Planet or the Chicago Mobster planet to show how badly Kirk fumbled the ball on those plays, as well.

DS9 is a show about consequences, which is what makes it great.  The Mirror Universe episodes are great for showing the consequences of Kirk's fuckery.  I only wish they'd had time to go investigate the Nazi Planet or the Chicago Mobster planet to show how badly Kirk fumbled the ball on those plays, as well.



Frankly, and maybe this is just because I've watched too much "Star Trek," I'm always suspicious of the "Remember your old friend?" guy who shows up in the beginning.  They are ALWAYS douchebags.  They're double-douchey if they're an admiral.  This could be seen as a progression, however, because on TNG, DS9, and

Frankly, and maybe this is just because I've watched too much "Star Trek," I'm always suspicious of the "Remember your old friend?" guy who shows up in the beginning.  They are ALWAYS douchebags.  They're double-douchey if they're an admiral.  This could be seen as a progression, however, because on TNG, DS9, and

I hope we get some more "Prophet" episodes soon, but I'm not checking the episode list to be sure.  I find myself a frequent apologist for the Wormhole Aliens, but I think it's a testament to the more serious, topical nature of DS9, and an example of how DS9 is Star Trek putting on big-boy pants.

Also, fun with names…
…it's really funny how EVERYONE calls 13 13.

House doesn't need fixing because he's "a jerk"
House needs fixing, and psychiatric help, because he is MISERABLE. Yes, it is entertaining for us to watch him be misanthropic and dickish to everyone, but if you're going to follow a character for years and years, there has to be some type of growth or change. The