my favorite RS commecial is still the Fist Pump concert commercial "THEY JUST GOT OUT OF JAIL AND REHAB!" "that's our demographic, get over it"
my favorite RS commecial is still the Fist Pump concert commercial "THEY JUST GOT OUT OF JAIL AND REHAB!" "that's our demographic, get over it"
I'm just tired of these episodes that throw in tons of stuff from old episodes and are nothing more than a game of "name what episode this is from"
I'm just tired of these episodes that throw in tons of stuff from old episodes and are nothing more than a game of "name what episode this is from"
the bird made me think of Pen Ward's attempt to draw Mordecai. I think one reason his show is so funny is because he actually kinda sucks at drawing
the bird made me think of Pen Ward's attempt to draw Mordecai. I think one reason his show is so funny is because he actually kinda sucks at drawing
Besides "Exit 9b" which felt like a clip show, I've actually been enjoying this season of RS more than any other.
Besides "Exit 9b" which felt like a clip show, I've actually been enjoying this season of RS more than any other.
my favorite part was rigby punching muscle man in his mind, then muscle man getting angry and replying "not cool bro"
my favorite part was rigby punching muscle man in his mind, then muscle man getting angry and replying "not cool bro"
yes, this was the eileen showcase we've been clamoring for
yes, this was the eileen showcase we've been clamoring for
"Oww! Holy mother, my foot!"
"Oww! My other foot!
"Two hours later he hit a vital organ and… died."
"Oww! Holy mother, my foot!"
"Oww! My other foot!
"Two hours later he hit a vital organ and… died."
-Rigby has a Strong Johns watch
-everybody apparently won that hand of poker
-the video store guy's snobbery is working; the tape of Sergeant AWOL they watch is letterboxed
-Mitch applies his aversion to giving up to guyhood as well as work
-the cut from the milk-purgatory guys chanting "pops" to rigby's worried shouting
-Rigby has a Strong Johns watch
-everybody apparently won that hand of poker
-the video store guy's snobbery is working; the tape of Sergeant AWOL they watch is letterboxed
-Mitch applies his aversion to giving up to guyhood as well as work
-the cut from the milk-purgatory guys chanting "pops" to rigby's worried shouting
it was extremely satisfying to see Pops kick the last milk guy out of the elevator door.
it was extremely satisfying to see Pops kick the last milk guy out of the elevator door.