
Quiet!  I'm trying to enjoy this show before the network retools it.

Quiet!  I'm trying to enjoy this show before the network retools it.

I hope this is mostly Roiland's show, and Harmon's involvement is just using his clout to get it on the air.

I hope this is mostly Roiland's show, and Harmon's involvement is just using his clout to get it on the air.

How appropriate.  Dan Harmon is the Lemongrab of TV writers, not understanding the candystylz of the people he has to work with.

How appropriate.  Dan Harmon is the Lemongrab of TV writers, not understanding the candystylz of the people he has to work with.

I don't think Hurwitz suffered backlash.  I think "Sit Down Shut Up" and "Running Wilde" simply got the receptions they deserved.

I don't think Hurwitz suffered backlash.  I think "Sit Down Shut Up" and "Running Wilde" simply got the receptions they deserved.

one of the storyboarders said they tried to get a Rush song for the episode, but couldn't.

one of the storyboarders said they tried to get a Rush song for the episode, but couldn't.

Benson is the best RS character, and this episode will put Benson in a Tommy Lee rotating drum kit.

Benson is the best RS character, and this episode will put Benson in a Tommy Lee rotating drum kit.

I think that every october.  then I remember shelley duvall, and I just watch The Shinning instead.

I think that every october.  then I remember shelley duvall, and I just watch The Shinning instead.

not just a song, but a BAD song stuck in their head (still everyone)

not just a song, but a BAD song stuck in their head (still everyone)

absolutely. but Thomas couldn't be as terrible as Walt's comedy-killing bland handsomeness

absolutely. but Thomas couldn't be as terrible as Walt's comedy-killing bland handsomeness

The goofy voice for the talking pie was much funnier than that kind of thing should have been.

The goofy voice for the talking pie was much funnier than that kind of thing should have been.