
Oh my.

But … but it's being endorsed by Dan Savage, so it must be the shit!

these are her exact words: “Was it my fault that I didn’t say something, even though I couldn’t speak?”

"And, again, if the texts don’t bother CUCK and he’s willing to play along for his husband’s benefit, I think he should."

Ham4All? Now Muslims and Jews have something to unite against:
Boycott Lin-Manuel Miranda!!!

OK, let's see, I'd love to attend:


'Greta Van Susteren has announced that she’s “out” at the left-leaning cable news network.'

"his career-ending-in-an-alternate-timeline boast of sexual assault …"

'She’s thinking about slipping the cashier a note reading “will you be my unicorn? Call me” '

Urgh - reading this week's edition felt tedious to me (despite how brief each actual question was), and Dan seemed especially unpleasant in many of his responses this week.

Firstly, don't be a dick.

I feel like there are at least 2 or 3 critically-acclaimed-but-also-blockbuster-potential movie gems to be found somewhere in the mix of that 20+ hour sprawling beautiful mess of a series.

AV Club, how DARE you speak the words Dear White People to us again, after the shoddy treatment of those of us following the recaps here.

Can't say I'm a fan of Zoeey Deschanel's singing, but I loved the version of this on New Girl as a duet with Jess singing low and Robbie (Nelson Franklin) singing high …

OK, I see these posters everywhere here in London, of Johnny Depp with SAUVAGE written across his picture in big letters - and I think, these cologne makers MUST know how this looks, surely.

I wonder would it be such a crime
for the Beastie Boys or Haim
to mention in their songs one time
to remember that we suffered?

Excuse me - how is it that everyone seems to have forgotten that SEVERAL WOMEN ACCUSED TRUMP OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT, and at least one of SEXUAL ASSAULT.

Actually, as I was typing that comment I did wonder what precedent there was for this, and my first thought was of the Korean actor James Kyson who played Japanese character Ando (Hiro's sidekick) in Heroes. But maybe that doesn't count seeing as it's sci-fi.

I'm surprised UK daily quiz show Pointless hasn't been exported to the US yet