
But, didn't you hear what Capheus said, when his one friend commented that he looks different now:

*before watching, to myself in jest*

… and for the benefit of those who don't get that reference:

*reads first line*

"…this John guy…"

OK, everyone seems to have learnt the art of initiating conversation with a beautiful stranger at some stage in their youth - except me! What do you say after "Hi" - which is the point at which I reckon I'd just freeze up completely or start stuttering - which is why I never say anything in the first place…

I know this doesn't count because it's a TV movie which was really just a long series finale, but I'm going to say it because it was my favourite of the year:

Nobody puts fetus in the corner …

OK, hands up, I'm completely baffled by all the love Atlanta is getting. I've seen the first 3 episodes thinking I just need to watch a bit more to like it. I don't. I want to slap Childish gambino's character. And the sidekick of paper boi gets on my last nerve. The only person I don't find unwatchable is paper boi

I saw the article heading and thought "damn, I didn't vote!", But was happy to see that my choice for #1 film - Arrival - did actually come out on top. Full disclosure though, I haven't seen Moonlight yet, as it isn't going to be out here in Europe till February, so that might change things.

Well, ugly snot-smeared crying is impressive and all - but watch this to see a *real* thespian at work:

When World War 3 kicks off in 2017, anyone who voted for Hillary should be called

I have to confess, I spent most of that cold open navel-gazing (literally!) at Pooty instead of paying attention to the skit.

At first when I saw his name I thought oh no, he's dead, that's why he'sheading an AV club article.

Actually, when he says 24, I feel like what we're hearing is the result of him having gotten therapy at some point to process what sounds like the most negative experience of his professional career

Even though I loved Arrival and wanted it to get as much award-body recognition as possible, I agree with the disqualification.

PS Where is Aly? WE WANT ALY!

With regards to Jess/Robby - at this stage I'm half-expecting an upcoming episode centered around them being about to "finally do it" …

*pats arm*

"What I'm giving him cannot be wrapped"