
I'm enjoying him (Nelson Franklin) on Black-ish too - playing Robby 2.0. I think odds are he's going to be on there longer than on New Girl

*looks you all over*

Go on …

That made me a little sad, actually.

I was worried at first that it was Nick who was helping unhook Jess's dress.

Nadia would have been happy!

I guess I should be thankful they sidestepped the familiar sitcom trope of Greek guy hitting it off with Babs …

Which do you think will happen - either Rhonda makes a repeat appearance OR theres an episode where Rhonda died in combat and she willed him something ridiculous which Winston, Cece and the gang need to do a ROAD TRIP EPISODE to resolve all that …!

OK The Good Wife fans, I've got good news and bad news.

For that to have maximum impact I'll need Sissy Spacek to surprise the breitbart staff, cackling at them "Not ONE slice… you had TWO SLICES!!"

And now contestants, it's time for the "Strange Fruit" challenge, we've got the barbecued flesh of 5 different types of dark meat hanging from these different poplar trees … each of you will select which flesh and which fruit to pair it with … ok, pick your tree, and your time starts … NOW

While he's at it - he should also regret his performance in "The Human Stain".

Apocalypse? Wachu talkin' bout?

… Can you?

I was disappointed we didn't get a scene with Maeve doing a rallying battle cry to the samurai and other hosts :

Doesn't sound like anything to me.

Answer to Question 2:


Yes it added nothing - doesn't mean it wasn't blindingly obvious from the get-go. I was taken aback because - apart from being wrong, many felt the need to compound that by being unnecessarily snarky to those who were right - "it would be dumb for the writers to have them be the same person - ergo, those of you who

Urgh, English guy wasn't shown to be one of the first people shot by Dolores! More of him in season 2. Sad!