
"I speak for all of black america when I say, we are all praying for Omarosa"

Wait, wasn't there supposed to be a "live reading of a brand new episode" by the cast of Happy Endings, sometime last month? What happened with that?



Yay! I can sign into AV club again! …

Phew … OK!!

What the … this dude is only 42??

The only people who don't deserve better are non-voters, child molesters, and people who talk loudly at the theatre …

We ALL deserve better than this!

"Donald Trump, of all people, objects to Jay Z lyrics"

Trump: "I moved on her like a bitch - but she was married - now she has big phony tits"


Oddly enough, I found the overloading made her seem more machine-like AND more human-like simultaneously, if that makes sense.

From the moment she got in that elevator alone at night to go investigating, I thought: "Elsie … you in danger, girl!"

That scene with him by the pool having cocktails - arguing with Theresa - made me groan and wish one of Ford's bulldozers would just crash through and demolish them and spare us from any future scenes with those two - for me the two weakest links on the show.

When Trump's photo appears on the big screen, all the kids clap with glee and sing in unison:

Uh oh, it's the Attack of the Stride Mothers!!!

"A gay white man and a white woman asking a multi-billionaire how he knows the system is rigged and insisting it’s not. Does that sound right to you? "

That's cos you're just a *classic* rando … BooBooKitty was referring to them other more exotic randos!

You know, I reckon that, when the actor playing Oliver was bumped up to a regular cast member, the writers/show runners thought "listen, we'll be able to write more for Oliver if we have him and Connor separate. We can have storylines with a character on a network tv show that experiences dating rejection due to his