
Listen, New Girl, I love ya, but

I get Tupac, Biggie and Prince. But a tattoo of Missy too?

BrainDead was the one show I watched every week during the summer, and I loved the "Previously on BrainDead …" musical recaps.

I still haven't forgiven AV Club for cancelling coverage of BrainDead after the first 3 eps - then announcing that there would be a review of the finale - and then not giving us said review!

That's her new show - undercover Rape Police - after Fashion Police at 8 and before Cheaters at 10 …

Wait … this is actually a *real* show? When I initially heard about this pairing I thought this was going to be a 5 minute skit on SNL or something … *shrugs*

Divorce? Don't marriage vows mean anything to her?

But what on earth would they show all day? Back to back Hannity and Alex Jones?

I can't decide which is worse - "What is Aleppo?" - or talking to the interviewer with the tongue sticking out. Oh, I *can* decide, it's the latter - because I don't see how anyone can take him seriously as a presidential candidate after that hideous display which I wish I could unsee …

Would you? Would you *really*

Robin Williams on Donald Trump
- this short clip gave me a much-needed chuckle - the sound effects are hilarious:

Gosh, they've been around for ages! I could never remember which one is Mel and which one is Sue, until I noted that the one who to me *looks* more like her name should be Mel is actually the one called Sue.

You know what's more insane? Despite ALL that, If that Access Hollywood video hadn't been made public, and if Trump had been physically capable of shutting up for 5 minutes, we could have been looking at a President Trump!

Mary J.?? WTF!!

My random thoughts …


Erm, there are developments on both fronts in this ep, making me say each time: "Well, that's *new*…"

Nice work if you can get it…

'Haunt Me' by Sade

"I hate you daddy. Oh you got me cake. I love you daddy" … LOL, yeah, it felt to me like they were retconning Laurel's backstory a little, and couldn't decide how tortured they want their relationship to be.