
Viola Davis on Jimmy Kimmel: "When we shot the scene I cried to a wooden dummy at the back of the ambulance … 'cos we hadn't figured it out yet … listen, I went to Julliard, baby! … I know how to personalise that dummy!" (lol)

Oh she still scares me. Still waters and all that.

My random thoughts while watching:

Shame they can't CGI Jamie Foxx's face onto his for the runtime of the movie …Or can they?

Yup, and he'll be making dough off of it till kingdom come…

Getcho independent ass outta here! Question?

That's not even his movie - you breached the Fourth Protocol!

(Edited to Add: The full movie can be watched on Youtube)

… And not unlike Trump, you stated something blatantly and easily verifiably untrue, yet a lot of people upvoted you.

" … there are always calls like yours to leave them in prison because releasing them would hurt the feelings of the victim's family…"

Shoulda coulda woulda.

"What terrifies me is that there are still people who think she did it…"

And it's got teeth!

Yup, and unexpected curves *shudder*

I think that's the only time I was glad to see Furguson NOT make an appearance!

It's Tuggb (the b is silent … don't trust the b …)

No, more like a stubby and gnarly D …

I was relieved we didn't have to listen to all 5 of her assertive female voices at length …

CeCe, walking in on a stressed Schmidt: "You promised me if we had sex this morning you wouldn't get riled up"

For the repeated barf-inducing camera-focus on Nick Miller's toes: automatic D grade …