They paired with Spencer's. Spencer got a lot of love and they all said they were voting for him if he made it. In stark contrast, Kass was completely shunned.
They paired with Spencer's. Spencer got a lot of love and they all said they were voting for him if he made it. In stark contrast, Kass was completely shunned.
And since every white person is a racist, they automatically went with it?
Oh, get the fuck out of here. Racist?! Are you fucking serious?! Woo did not deserve that win and Spencer said what any real Survivor fan thought.
I just want to say that I had a great time discussing Survivor with you guys and I can't wait to do it again next season.
Edit: Except for Jim
I was rooting for Spencer to win it all but the most deserving winner was definitely Tony. Thank you, Woo, for being an idiot and taking Tony to the end. The jury questions kind of worried me though. Tony did not have the best performance and in my opinion was outdone by Woo but he still won 8-1 (damn it, Tasha).…
My name is Harvey. I am a computer. Jim sucks.
I couldn't stop laughing at that ending (and Danny Brown playing in the credits made it even better.) Another solid episode and I can't believe that it's already down to one more.
Spencer and Kass are my prediction.
That too. I actually rooted for Fabio a bit more because he did well in challenges and I hated the crap out of Chase and Sash. I don't hate Tony or Spencer so I can't root for him to win.
I wouldn't be mad at all if Tony won at all. He has played really well and I definitely think he's deserving. I also think what Spencer has done to get to this point despite being on the wrong side of the numbers makes him a deserving winner as well. As long as it's not Kass orWoo, I'll be satisfied with the finale.
Tony or Spencer better make that final tribal.
Except win immunity three times (hello, Spencer) and be strategic for more than an episode. I don't think it's impossible for Woo to win, I just think it would be a disappointing end to a great season. He is the third most deserving player here.
I think it's a final two but in Phillipines, they had a final four to start the finale.
That's one challenge I wish they'd do more.
He's Fabio but on the right side of the numbers. He better not win.
I thought Tony was just hysterical tonight with those noises.
I can't believe that there wasn't a loved one's challenge. When was the last time that happened (last season doesn't count for obvious reasons).
Also idol digging
Yeah I wish he would just get rid of the grades already.
Those guys make me root for Spencer even more.