Parma Police

Toby Jones actually looks a lot more like Alma than he does Alfred.

please don't make fun of the internet for continuing the SJP=Horse jokes…it's one of the few things it gets right.

sometimes scary island natives are just scary island natives, nothing to justify. If it were a Japanese production they would have used Japanese actors in Black-face.

"milky" or some other dairy product.

Ah, "mulatto"…the prettiest sounding derogatory term.

Nora Guthrie must really dig Uncle Tupelo, now if she could just get them to do a reunion tour.

was lucky enough to catch this on TCM, didn't know it wasn't readily available which is too bad since it's a really good film. It really got me interested in Ernie Pyle, you can read some of his reports at http://www.pbs.org/weta/rep… worth the read.

here ya' go Hollywood,SAVING PRIVATE BENJAMIN

"a slew of hitmen that her mobbed-up ex-boyfriend sends to her apartment" just call the cops dum-dum.

I hear they have safety nets over there, sounds fun!

as the boat, Lana Del Ray's lips.

Next up, Liam and Noel play Cain and Abel.

Drew Barrymore's Whale Tail, based on true events!

I thought we were getting an Anthony Bourdain interview when I saw the front page.

yeah, they get a lot of guff around these parts for a band that averages a solid B in all of the reviews. Moral of the story; don't go against GLEE.

it means a biography directed by a hag right?

Actor/Activist Sean Penn shows up as one of the talking heads, be warned.

hmm, still interested…her and John Doe on "Golden State" is one of the best duets in the last ten years and her song "Buffalo" is as good as it gets for winter chilled beauty.

no, they probably meant "plenty" they're just not as bright as you…that's what you wanted to hear, right?