Raymond Luxury-Yacht

I had a shitty Thursday and compensated thusly:

So I'm late to this party, but I have a theory on the Don Jr.-Russia meeting I have yet to express to the internet: Three minutes into the meeting, Russia realized they were dealing with morons and decided to go to WikiLeaks instead. The adoption talk was "plan B".

My favorite part of it is that his strategy appears to be "I, the Republican president, will let Obamacare fail! Then once and for all, the Democrats will be forced to admit that Obamacare doesn't work!"

Everyone incorrectly guessed Teen Witch for every question out of sheer disbelief that the Jeopardy clue writers would omit such a classic of the occult canon.

I'll sell you some urine for your next party. Get at me.


If Mike Pence really believes that biological gender is the be-all end-all, can he be seduced by her over lunch at a Steak 'n' Shake?

Think 100,000. I'm from Hampton.

It's worse. He doesn't care about his tax breaks. He just cares about scoring points for his team.

From what I understand, Moran's opposition is more akin to Collins' than Lee's? So kind of even split.

I eat at McDonalds whenever I have to get up before 5am and don't feel like not having breakfast — that's essentially it.

I didn't have Indian food until I was 20. Indian restaurants are just now starting to open in my hometown (I grew up in southeast VA — not exactly the backwoods).

Even though they gave the onion a 6.4, and gave shallots a 9.5! What the fuck?

Seen Cursive twice, but I honestly haven't really loved anything they did since The Ugly Organ, but everything up through that album was insanely good.

For me it's The Faint, probably seen them, six times, maybe? Maybe more?

The Viet Cong album is even better IMO.

Then you need to come to Annapolis, see what they're like before they have the life drained out of them by being sent to Norfolk.

Listened to the new Shabazz Palaces albums a couple times this week on the free stream. They're both pretty damn good, although I think as a whole vs. the Jealous Machines is a stronger album than Born on a Gangster Star, even though individual tracks on the latter (e.g. "Shine A Light") are high points. Still think