Reason #441 why the defectors are wrong about how I would totally love living out here, man!
Reason #441 why the defectors are wrong about how I would totally love living out here, man!
That's probably true, but I still enjoy them. Their Wit is a go-to summer beer for me.
No, a true snobby Chicago Hipster would tell you that New York is a suburb of Chicago.
The Bluths were definitely used to satirize the Bushes in a broad way, but they weren't intended to be an allegory.
Weyerbacher excels at making highly rated beers for those who have a keen interest in getting smashed.
That's just science.
Ekstasis is my favorite Julia Holter album, and I like them all a LOT.
I too am seeing Slowdive soonish, although it's a month out at this point — I don't want to get hype too early.
I'm pretty sure if a Residents album lasts more than four hours you have to seek treatment.
Let's see, this week I've listened to…
With that last lyric it seems like this isn't even supposed to be part of the album… he's just casually dropping a song with enough ideas to float six less ambitious songs, like you do. And that's just the advert.
it a show for dogs dumass
Prefered Slowdive's, but I'll reserve judgement until I literally see them play the song in a synagogue.
It's a generic blue-and-orange poster* with absolutely no content. The idea that such a poster would inspire desire to see the film is ridiculous on its face, that it is designed to do so is insulting and therefore worthy our derision.
I believe scientists call that "Dariacore".
I have to vote Mission of Burma for Most Down-To-Earth rock band. Every time I've seen them, they work their own merch booths, and often stand in with the crowd during the opening act and will be talking with other people at the show… AND they do lessons?
re: the Renoir signature. How close a look do the players get at the visual clues? I've only seen a few live Jeopardy! shows in my time, but I don't recall an sort of "blown up" version of the visual clues being displayed (even though that would be technically possible). I do remember that board being seriously big…
Eighth grade science camp me was soooooooo pissed!
I can't marmalade my dick into your mother!