Ghosted almost certainly has to be better than last year's X-Files revival. Apart from the Were-Monster episode. That was pretty great. If Ghosted's even half as good as that one, I'm in.
Ghosted almost certainly has to be better than last year's X-Files revival. Apart from the Were-Monster episode. That was pretty great. If Ghosted's even half as good as that one, I'm in.
Paul McCartney had a good laugh at this.
Ryan has to go down too.
What the hell is a "season" of Amazing Race anyhow? It's not like it was on in 1987.
Angela Lansbury. Repenting with her body.
"You can type this shit, George, but you can't say it."
I need to do that too. I thought S4 started strong, and I liked going back to the beginning to see things leading up to Beth's demise. But it felt like the season sort of lost steam by the end.
Listen: Continuing to enjoy the hell out of the Grateful Dead "Get Shown the Light" (May 1977) box set. Fantastic sound on four terrific concerts (Including the famous Cornell 5/8 show, which can bought separately). I'll get back to some other music eventually, but these will stay in rotation for awhile.
*Drops trou*
Another Paul (Simon) used "misconstrue(d)" in a song 17 years earlier.
Not named Ryan, Walker, or Johnson though.
It can be three things.
Way too low for George Carlin too.
Check out the You Tube clip of him playing it live, on Sesame Street back in the 70s. Best seven minutes or so of TV EVER:
Same way Hitler is legendary? Fuck Roger Stone.
And, let's face it, probably their last.
Wait, this is a TV channel? Sadly, I don't think I get this. Sure as hell never heard of it.
You were right, yo.
Michael Nesmith's son!
Mr. Homn!