Jean-Luc Prickhard

What the hell was bad about Rogue One??

It's great, but all downhill from there.

I can think of two things wrong with that title!

Avatar's overrated for sure, but enough to break it off with a hot babe? No way.

Don't get the hate for Thor. It's not essential, but it's a fun introduction to the character.

Well, to be fair, Watchmen IS a horrible film.

I unironically love Masked and Anonymous. I found it very funny, intentionally, in a number of places with in-jokes for fans. Also, I found it interesting how several of the characters in the film seemed to be different aspects of Dylan's own psyche, often questioning him on the choices he's made (The Jeff Bridges

I'd say Kate Winslet naked on the couch makes it worth it.

I saw that in the theater as a kid… Loves me some Paul, but, damn, was that movie horrible. Even the decent new McCartney songs, or his playing some Beatles and Wings stuff couldn't save that.

Huh. It's not for everyone, but I rather liked it. In a "Here's what we've become, America" kind of way.

Can't imagine walking out of #3, although I guess it's tacky to fap it right there in the theater.

The Dark Knight Rises.

Again, Haley Atwell!

Haley Atwell for Doctor Who!

Too bad she turned out to be a Trumpie. I have no respect her for anymore.

Could organized religion, and these filmmakers (not to mention believerd who try to shove their faith down other people's throats)?

Of course he should. Do you honestly see that happening though?

Duh, look at his boss.

What "future generations"?

I gotta hand it to the bishop. He does The Lord's work.