Jean-Luc Prickhard

As I said above, why hasn't Xavier found David? Not knowing Legion comics, maybe there's a good explanation. But one would think Xavier would've located him by now.

I don't know anything about Legion in the comics, so one of the (many) questions I have is "If David's potentially the powerful mutant of all, where is Xavier and why hasn't he located David?"

Huh. And here I'm thinking "This is so much better than that bland show SHIELD was."

This blows JJ out of the water, if you ask me.

I have a, um, friend wondering about the Witherspoon sex myself.

Yeah, I doubt "HBO sex" will make this worth it.

Fucking Genny made me cream.

As a lifelong Billy Joel fan, who does NOT live in NY — Screw You.

We never really see that gore either. Curious to see if that changes in an R-rated Wolverine movie.

On film? Maybe true of X2 and DOFP… But the rest? Oh, probably Deadpool too. I still haven't seen it. Don't really give a shit about the character. I'll see it eventually.

There's nothing wrong "serious" if it suits the character/surroundings and is well-written. I'd say the first two Nolan Bat-films fit that criteria. The third, IMO, threw logic and intelligence out the window and forgot it was supposed to be a Batman movie. It was serious enough, except where it was too stupid to be

No, Trump killing himself, and taking Pence and Bannon with him, would be perfect. And Paul Ryan. i don't want to be stuck with that asshat either.

That's Diane Linkletter, tonight on "Kids Do the Darndest Things"!

A threw up a little in my mouth when I saw human shit stain Rick Santorum trotted out on CNN (I was at the gym) as a "political commentator."

11. Plain and simple Garak.

Tryin' to do Amber the best I can…

"What would it take to fix the Grammys?"

Is he still a Pepper? Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too?

Boom boom boom boom
Gonna shoot you right down
Knock you off of your feet
Take you home with me

It's true. Peter was borrowing Micky's guitar.