Not The Real Randy Jackson

The Other Side of the Wind, one of Orson Welles' many unfinished projects from the 1970s, is going to be released on Netflix

The extra likes you're getting now are totally because of me and me alone. You're welcome.

Your two comments on this thread need more likes than just mine.

"I don't really want to see the boobs"

They're really gonna agree to pay $45 million for three years of Mike Glennon. Holy shit, Ryan Pace.

"Venus is Furs" is a banger.

Sounds like my 3.5 star rating on Letterboxd is inevitable.

I don't know how many of you follow BBC News on Facebook, but the head close-ups they do at the start of every one of their nightly "Viewsnight" videos is one of the eeriest things I see online. Tonight, for instance, they showed a close up of Richard Dawkins' face that I never once asked for.

It's also slightly transparent, so you can still see shades of the spam ads behind the comments.

Is a comments section on the side of the webpage going to be our future, like the Newswires comments are now? I hope not.

You still know what to think, Llloyd.

For fun, I think someone could write a piece making a comparison between the Cutler years for Bears fans and the Obama era for Democrats, as they occurred during the exact same time ('09-'17).

I must've taken about a half-dozen business classes that have talked about adverse selection and moral hazard, and I swear that no two of them have ever explained them in the same way.

I don't get the jo…wait a minute.

Agencies that have been known to overthrow regimes and get barely held accountable by the public are just "basic government bureaucracy"?

Nah, Glenn Greenwald is okay.

(puts back on pants)