Not The Real Randy Jackson


I am okay. Enjoying my summer. Watched The Immigrant yesterday, and liked it. Watched dozens of other movies, too. Learned what Randy meant in England a couple weeks ago from Craig Ferguson.

It's fun to read old AV Club articles and see a comment you have no recollection writing.

They should've simply put dramas on one half of the bracket and comedies on the other. Would have created less complaints.

You know what is so great about Rixty Minutes? You can skip to any portion of the episode and there is a 90% chance that what you will see will be really funny. I guess that is why they specifically chose to first debuted it on Instagram.

I thought our benevolent lord was the Holy Trinity of COMMUNITY SUCKS, Christmas Tree Britta, and IDNOT?

Vox is a very silly name for a website. Vox.

Y'all come back now, ya here? No, seriously, please return to this board occasionally.

Hey, remember those couple of times I expressed my attraction for Natalie Wood? That happened.

Cary Fukinaga's directing cannot be understated. Probably the best part of the first season.

I am assuming its the rabid fanbase? I enjoyed True Detective, but the annoying way in which they would attack writers for even the most minor criticisms made me understand what people meant when they said they disliked Community "because of the fans" during the season 3 hiatus.

I am pretty confident that they will not be in competing time slots.

You look about ready to marry Courtney Love.

"Commentary Scott: OK, so…
Commentary Adam: Wait, what are we talking about here in the first episode?
Commentary Scott: Let's listen in…
First Episode Scott: Let's talk about U2 here.
Commentary Scott: Oh, U2! Alright!
Commentary Adam: That's pretty standard.
Commentary Scott: That's why people have listened to this show

So…what…are you thoughts on…the…Shrek…sequels?

Way to re-open old wounds, FSC.

Experts get frustrated by changes from the book, newbies get frustrated from book spoilers by experts. It all evens itself out.

At the very least, it is doing a solid job of promoting Hot Tub Time Machine 2.