Another Guinness Here

Prediction - Barney's voicemails were about something else

As far as "desparate pandering to a generation they don't actually understands aside from some market segmentation report" these guys should be calling up Miracle Whip for some product placent opportunities

yeah, he was a "writter" for a while, plotting out "storylines" and trying not to break the " key on his computer

we've been complaining about air quality since day one. I want to be first to claim his air scrubbers (sorry BSG repeats on BBC)

In related news; MIracle Whip Hipster-Douchbag marketing campaign reaches it's nadir on AV Club Article

See i was going to go with a "any chance this becomes a Guns N' Roses rock hall thing where no ones sure who's actually gonna be on stage"

What ISN'T Community

also, wrong address

does anyone else find it weird not that we've seen so little of Raylan's father, but that everyone MENTIONS that we've seen so little of him? Makes me think he'll play a role in the season endgame. Think about it….
1) Everyone thinks he's befuddled, so he can get the drop on them
2) thanks to his "flashback" Boyd knows

So wait, no one went to the Big Star tribute show?!?!?

Damn it, i was furiously scrolling to see if this got mentioned, so i didn't double post….well played sir, well played

It depends, I know he's only directed one movie, but how many times has he been fired?

I agree that Goo Goo Dolls are not the best of bands, but if i were to pick their best song, you have to go with their second album, and either "There You Are" or the cover of "Million Miles Away"

I'll never forget; they had to recall the missles from the original Viper & cylon ships, because they were small & kids were choking on them. You were supposed to get a feww Hot Wheels car for mailing them in.

See, and i would have said writting was the close second….more than numbers (which i think music still wins) is how it's just generally accepted….Billy Holiday was on so much smack she could barely stand, but as long as she could sing, a collective blind eye was turned. Same with, well just about any musician in the

The hypocracy of all the Whitney stuff is almost beyond belief…..so i'll throw this question out there;

No, he's gonna wait until she's at the altar, about to marry another band that's all wrong for her….say Nickelback. Then he'll stand up, declare his love for her, and she'll decide to throw caution to the wind….and herself into his arms.

That's cool, he actually hit my friends leg anyway

Did i miss the Jeff Buckley story in the interview? Or did you just want to tease us with all the cool stuff you & Bob (as you get to call him now) talked about that you didn't put on the video?!?!?!

you forgot one thing about the Britta song….she was wearing a tight unitard when she did it….huminahuminahumina