Another Guinness Here

And by the way; Buffy - totally not girlie….hey you get too lok at Allison Hannigan, and see women fight, so that's pretty cool….

whoah, whoa whoa…..i've never watched Entourage, let's not be casting large nets here.

what shakespear didn't do comedy?

yeah, definitely a good time-passer

YES BANG POW!…..we could get Bruckheimer!

Feel your pain dollar bill…went to Kansas State, but grew up in the midst of the Ohio State/Michigan frackas, so could never figure out why KU K-State was anything to get worked up about.

i guess it's how you define "moved" and "fleshed out"

A "C" at best
NOTHING MOVED…name one of the like 6 billion plot threads that moved forward more than an inch?

still not as bad….
…..as those Miracle Whip commercials

you know, i started this thread (pre-aren't-i-funny-hijack) and even I want it deleted

Network kinda doing a great job of pissing off a star there, huh?

Hey it doesn't matter what podunk city they base it in….as long as it's an "MERICAN wearworlf…..git 'er bit!

wow, sorry senator…didn't mean to have an opinion different than yours

Yeah, i knew i'd catch shit for the 1 1/2 comment, but i'm not sure how much I'm willing to move off it.

Yeah, I'm torn as well….

remember when MTV used to set the cultural agenda, not try to mimic it?

Instead of refering to them by name, could you refer to them by name/Fox-approved-life-story?

Since I still can't post a new thread (or listen to embedded music) (but no, great page re-design)

this may be internet rumor, but it was my understanding that just like in the audition, your score in the online test don't mean squat….it's just punching your potential golden ticket to enter the "get invited to an audition" sweepstakes

yeah i would think he meets the mother, then the show continues with early marriage stuff, pregnancy stuff, everybody moving on stuff