
I would love this, but he's probably considered too old by now.

Yeah, this was a very cool rationalization, with him trying to justify his actions by putting them in (time) perspective.

While he is a bit hit 'n' miss here for my taste, I can't hate on Tim Blake Nelson, solely based on the fact that he was in "O, Brother Where Art Thou".

Skimming through the AV Club homepage, I saw the picture and misread the headline as:
"D.B. Woodside and Rachael Harris succumb to the temptations of Fox’s LUTHER", and thought - well, this doesn't seem TOO bad for a procedural.

Re: next week - Too bad 2½ Men already used the falling piano shtick for the series finale, because that seemed like one of the few ways Glee could end.

Yeah, especially considering Finch is by then already doing undercover surveillance prep-work as the guy's patient.

I pretend she's the same character she plays in Gotham. Makes that show a bit more bearable, if you imagine it's happening within Tina Fey's absurd world.

I think I read somewhere that they explain it away by saying Hell's Kitchen took some serious damage during the Chitauri invasion, which then allowed for the criminal element (Fisk, etc.) to jump in during the rebuilding commotion and take control of the neighborhood.

Ben Urich: "Something something blind item."

It's actually (kinda) worth checking out! There's an entire courtroom subplot that was excised, which gives us more of Matt Murdock.

Classic Winger.

Well, to be fair, the last time a Clinton was in the White House, you guys DID go to war with Serbia. :D

Archer and Pam were doing a whole famous paintings/sexual innuendo riff, with The Girl With a Pearl Necklace/Moaning Lisa, but then Pam goes for Van Gogh's "The Potato Eaters", which can be read as her crossing over to just simply listing famous paintings now, OR as a very oblique (and thus even moreso hilarious)

Is this the first time that the source material managed to outdo the porn parody industry?

…and yet it fails miserably when it comes to "Think clean thoughts, chum."

And I loved the punchline then being "The Potato Eaters".

One fun bit of trivia: the Russian mining town is apparently called "Vukojebina", which is actually a Serbian/Croatian word, which roughly translates to "Where wolves fuck", and is used to describe godforsaken small villages that are cut off from civilization.

Yeah, you are correct. The reviewer must've had a brain-fart, or didn't quite catch it.

Is that some inside info, or just based off of casting/production news that have popped up in the media so far?

Ha! I had that same Frank Miller thought throughout the goddamn episode!