He sure did! I was astonished at his complete and flawless victory.
He sure did! I was astonished at his complete and flawless victory.
@avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus , oh my god the internet is finally going to have the character back they most miss. I'm not sure if that's what'll happen here, but it seems like a good guess.
@avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus , oh my god the internet is finally going to have the character back they most miss. I'm not sure if that's what'll happen here, but it seems like a good guess.
Well the reason it was rated down was because apparently in the world Zach lives in (In which he has seen every episode in advance or something), killing characters off in a zombie apocalypse will have no pay off in this show and was merely done just to do it or something. I can't keep up with the behind the scenes…
Well the reason it was rated down was because apparently in the world Zach lives in (In which he has seen every episode in advance or something), killing characters off in a zombie apocalypse will have no pay off in this show and was merely done just to do it or something. I can't keep up with the behind the scenes…
(SPOILER) He imagined Lori calling him on it every so often and she would basically tell him to get over her.
(SPOILER) He imagined Lori calling him on it every so often and she would basically tell him to get over her.
I watched that scene knowing that it was going to be on tumblr for the rest of eternity. Internet women are going to masturbate to that all night.
I watched that scene knowing that it was going to be on tumblr for the rest of eternity. Internet women are going to masturbate to that all night.
Probably days since she died or something like that
Probably days since she died or something like that
I wish someone who enjoyed this show would write about it so that we could get some actual reviews instead of the same argument every week about how little you care for the characters, their dialogue, or the situations they get put in. It's very tiresome. Even Todd would write something decent about Glee every now and…
I wish someone who enjoyed this show would write about it so that we could get some actual reviews instead of the same argument every week about how little you care for the characters, their dialogue, or the situations they get put in. It's very tiresome. Even Todd would write something decent about Glee every now and…
@avclub-421d91cd1f20d044be31c05a2908e03b:disqus a LOT of money. A LOT.
@avclub-421d91cd1f20d044be31c05a2908e03b:disqus a LOT of money. A LOT.
No, this terrible show that used to be on the DuMont network that should probably just be forgotten. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…
No, this terrible show that used to be on the DuMont network that should probably just be forgotten. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…
Moves too slow: WHERE THE ZOMBIES! Moves too fast: WHERE THE DRAMA!
Moves too slow: WHERE THE ZOMBIES! Moves too fast: WHERE THE DRAMA!
@avclub-256746d11f6954aabd1092266578be0d:disqus especially after this particular episode, a lot of the prison arc will now be VASTLY different.