The Angry Internet

A Couple of Dicks was the original title for Cop Out. It wouldn't have made the movie any better, but it's still a shame they didn't keep it

But does it at least have PS1 and 2 games available for purchase through PSN, like the PS3 does?

Constantine filmed a death scene for his character, which was incorporated into the short film. Cartlidge didn't, which isn't surprising since the project didn't last that long and her death wasn't expected like Constantine's was.

It was called Dimension and he started it in 1991. The plan was to shoot three minutes per year every year until 2024. Eventually he just lost interest and abandoned it in 1997, but the parts he did shoot were edited into a short film a few years ago. It was shaping up as a gangster movie with actors from other von

He said right in his pitch that he could've gotten the funding through conventional means ("I was about to sign a typical financing deal") but chose to raise it from fans so that he could do whatever he wanted without tailoring it to five different co-executive producers or whatever. (According to Dowd, it sounds like

Try anything by Jordan Belson, who I'm pretty sure Malick watched quite a bit while preparing Tree of Life.

They were all supposed to be Australian according to the script, it's just that Parks didn't bother with the accent. Gordon-Levitt with a fake Australian accent would've been interesting. LaPaglia left due to a prior commitment and publicly complained that the production was out of control.

There are claims out there (though seemingly not originating from Tarantino) that the accent is a roundabout homage to James Mason's terrible Southern U.S. accent in Mandingo. I know people love playing spot-the-reference with Tarantino's movie, but I dunno about that one…

I don't want to come off as some partisan of Tarantino's acting/"acting," but the only reason he was in Django Unchained is because Joseph Gordon-Levitt had to drop out after filming began. (Some sources claim Tarantino actually filled in for Anthony LaPaglia, who had to leave when filming for his part went longer

No mention of the Antichrist opening? This interview is BULLSHIT

He does, but there's actually a reason for it (and the ridiculousness of the character in general) that I liked, and struck the right balance between winking po-mo "look at how stupid these old-fashioned portrayals were" and some level of genuine sentiment.

I missed this because I apparently logged in under the wrong account or something (FUCK YOU DISQUS), but I'll still give it a go: I should say I definitely need to see it again to try and tie it all together better, but it sounds like one thing I loved is something you hated: the resistance to naturalism that runs

Taipei Story, The Terrorizers, A Brighter Summer Day and Yi Yi are masterpieces, That Day on the Beach and A Confucian Confusion are great films, and only Mahjong dips to the level of merely "good" (at least that was my feeling when I saw it about a decade ago and was put off by its schematicism; it's the only Yang

I'm sure this was asked before, but Community threads are always horrible to browse through with NuDisqus, so: I never got around to watching a single episode of season 4. Should I just jump into season 5 (though it sounds like I should at least watch the S4 finale, since the premiere follows up on it)? Are there like

You're not gonna get Blu-ray quality from Netflix no matter what, unless you're using terrible Blu-rays as the basis for comparison. Even a relatively low-bitrate BD is about three times the maximum bitrate you can get from Netflix's "Super HD" (about 5.7Mb/s) and the difference isn't subtle. A well-encoded 720p BD

I wouldn't say they "always do well" when The Avengers is the only one to make the yearly top ten (it was #9 last year) and Iron Man 2 and 3 are the only others to make the top 50 (IM2 was 43rd and IM3 should place somewhere in the top 15). Thor was 87th in 2011, while Captain America and The Incredible Hulk didn't

They're gonna start releasing the series on Blu-ray next year. Every episode's been colorized, but they'll also include the B&W versions. So if you like Lucy in HD…

I remember watching it for some class and one of the students said afterwards "Would they still have used British accents at that point?" The teacher's response was something along the lines of "I dunno." Very educational.

We didn't see Swing Kids in my class, but some other kids did and turned "Swing Heil" into a running joke for the rest of the year.

This isn't quite an answer to the question, but I think it's worth mentioning anyway: we had a pretty awesome physics teacher who had a Real Genius poster on the wall of the classroom and once killed a couple of minutes at the end of class by playing the "stupid fucking white man" monologue from the Dead Man