The Angry Internet

unfortunately NBC no longer has a physical address and their Hotmail account seems to be bouncing

Mark Prindle's late-and-lamented site had some pretty good user comments too:

This was the point (it's pretty early on) where I decided I was gonna like this movie:

I was just trying to avoid using "samurai" twice in one sentence.

Matsumoto has also made two very good films since this, neither of which have been released in the U.S. but have fansubbed English versions readily available online. Scabbard Samurai is what you get if you crossed a bizarro Japanese physical-challenge game show (the sort of stuff Matsumoto regularly hosts on TV) with

The red monster is North Korean. It's never explicitly stated, but the news item that follows the monster's first appearance is a stereotypical North Korean propaganda broadcast, and would probably be instantly recognized as such by a Japanese viewer. The superhero family that shows up to save him are Americans, which


"Koma! A brain-dead Indian who can't see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or talk…but he's got the best instincts of any cop alive!"

don't be ridiculous, how could NBC afford a Mutoid Man now


clearly this was one of the highlights of AVC history, I'm glad it popped up on the Most Read articles list for no discernible reason

I didn't like Hannibal much but I felt the Ray Liotta business at the end was intentionally comic. Hannibal's "If you can't keep up with the conversation, better not join in at all" line clinched it for me.

Japan's obscenity law dates back to 1907. There is nothing in the constitution proscribing censorship of genitalia or anything else (in fact the plain wording of the constitution forbids any censorship, though you can say the same thing about the U.S. constitution). The obscenity law itself is general and the "no

this movie blows

There was a rumor that Bay's biological father (he was adopted) was John Frankenheimer, who did Birdman of Alcatraz. Frankenheimer says he had a one-night stand with the biological mother but that paternity tests ruled him out. Bay says he met Frankenheimer once or twice but hasn't commented on it beyond that.

$25-30 million (supposedly the budget for this) is legitimately small by Hollywood standards. For someone like Jerry Bruckheimer that's walking-around money. (I know he had nothing to do with P&G, that was just an example.) Even The Bling Ring cost $20 mil and that's a Sofia Coppola Joint.

it seems pretty telling that about 99% of the quotes here are from the Fox seasons

@avclub-e5438bd5e7a11caaf7c625d9d5ab7b50:disqus they were designed from the beginning to be cut into episodes, this was part of the deal with Comedy Central

because they made it into an opera instead

@avclub-34a0cc9e710ab7fc376d918356d4a6e5:disqus Also, I've always kinda wanted to start a death metal band, use cookie monster vocals and sing about the stupidest silly things. Such as how fuzzy and cuddly kittens are.