The Angry Internet

Sometime in high school I heard a version of this song with some bored-sounding male reciting the lyrics and the rhythm section replaced by a telephone keypad. I tried to find it a couple of years back but couldn't, and I'm too lazy to look again. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Sometime in high school I heard a version of this song with some bored-sounding male reciting the lyrics and the rhythm section replaced by a telephone keypad. I tried to find it a couple of years back but couldn't, and I'm too lazy to look again. Anyone know what I'm talking about?



And movies that are still in theaters do not qualify, making the disaster-piece Cloud Atlas ineligible for consideration—because there's still a chance that audiences have been waiting for the right weekend to flock to it, but have just been so busy lately.

And movies that are still in theaters do not qualify, making the disaster-piece Cloud Atlas ineligible for consideration—because there's still a chance that audiences have been waiting for the right weekend to flock to it, but have just been so busy lately.

it came up organically

it came up organically

I hear Disqus totally breaks down after a certain number of posters, we're due for a wave of mass bannings

I hear Disqus totally breaks down after a certain number of posters, we're due for a wave of mass bannings

I'll talk about the train station instead.

I'll talk about the train station instead.

I think Emily Watson appears in one or two scenes and has roughly the same number of lines. I know she was one of the socialites glowering at Anna at the opera (or the symphony or whatever), but that's all I remember specifically. Totally wasted casting.

I think Emily Watson appears in one or two scenes and has roughly the same number of lines. I know she was one of the socialites glowering at Anna at the opera (or the symphony or whatever), but that's all I remember specifically. Totally wasted casting.

This new version replaces the cast of characters with Kazakh college kids and is very good by nearly all accounts.

This new version replaces the cast of characters with Kazakh college kids and is very good by nearly all accounts.

Not a very big one. It sounds like your conception doesn't line up so much with the film's—Matthew Macfayden hams it up as a sort of wacky-uncle type—but the movie is so controlled in a relentless look-at-what-I-can-do way (think the Dunkirk segment in Atonement stretched to two hours) that Macfayden's rare

Not a very big one. It sounds like your conception doesn't line up so much with the film's—Matthew Macfayden hams it up as a sort of wacky-uncle type—but the movie is so controlled in a relentless look-at-what-I-can-do way (think the Dunkirk segment in Atonement stretched to two hours) that Macfayden's rare