The Angry Internet

It always seemed pretty clear to me this began with Stallone's Rocky and Rambo revivals, not JCVD. If the folks that praised JCVD (myself included) have anything to regret, it's that they apparently convinced Van Damme he is a Very Serious Artist and should spend four years and counting to make a film with a talking

My hunch is they won't call him "the Mandarin," not just because of the ethnicity problem but because superhero movies are so self-serious now that they seem almost embarrassed to use the characters' names. The Marvel movies aren't even that serious compared to Nolan's stuff, but they still couldn't bring themselves

My hunch is they won't call him "the Mandarin," not just because of the ethnicity problem but because superhero movies are so self-serious now that they seem almost embarrassed to use the characters' names. The Marvel movies aren't even that serious compared to Nolan's stuff, but they still couldn't bring themselves

Chow Yun-fat's role was cut to ribbons in the Chinese version of the third Pirates of the Caribbean film, and that wasn't even an outright villainous character. The guy who played Lau in The Dark Knight was Singaporean, but that didn't keep the Film Bureau from refusing permission for a mainland theatrical release. It

Chow Yun-fat's role was cut to ribbons in the Chinese version of the third Pirates of the Caribbean film, and that wasn't even an outright villainous character. The guy who played Lau in The Dark Knight was Singaporean, but that didn't keep the Film Bureau from refusing permission for a mainland theatrical release. It

Grandma's World. Vampi-Squad and Can a Nerd Be a Dad? have no ambiguity, but Old Hargrove may as well just be two random words put together. Grandma's World gives enough information to form an idea but not enough to tell you exactly what you're getting. Is it a drama? A comedy? Does the "Grandma" denote the presence

Grandma's World. Vampi-Squad and Can a Nerd Be a Dad? have no ambiguity, but Old Hargrove may as well just be two random words put together. Grandma's World gives enough information to form an idea but not enough to tell you exactly what you're getting. Is it a drama? A comedy? Does the "Grandma" denote the presence

everybody in this thread is getting banned

everybody in this thread is getting banned

I hope they do the storyline where Mysterio is gay for Spider-Man

I hope they do the storyline where Mysterio is gay for Spider-Man

I don't know if this was already covered by your recommendation of the "Ip Man movies," but since it usually gets the short shrift, I'll throw in a specific recommendation for The Legend Is Born, the unofficial knockoff/prequel that's actually a better film than part 2 and isn't that far from part 1.

I don't know if this was already covered by your recommendation of the "Ip Man movies," but since it usually gets the short shrift, I'll throw in a specific recommendation for The Legend Is Born, the unofficial knockoff/prequel that's actually a better film than part 2 and isn't that far from part 1.

Hate to break this to you, but there's a lot of CGI and a lot of wire-fu. It's at least as effects-heavy as, say, the recent Tsui Hark stuff. Nothing old-school about it, if that's what you're hoping for (not that wire-fu isn't old-school). Yuan and some of the townspeople (the ones that are actually played by wushu

Hate to break this to you, but there's a lot of CGI and a lot of wire-fu. It's at least as effects-heavy as, say, the recent Tsui Hark stuff. Nothing old-school about it, if that's what you're hoping for (not that wire-fu isn't old-school). Yuan and some of the townspeople (the ones that are actually played by wushu

This got really, really wearing after a while, so I guess I should be grateful they split it into two parts instead of making one three-hour movie. It makes me wish more filmmakers picked up the gauntlet that Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle threw down: big-budget, special effects-heavy, martial-arts blockbusters

This got really, really wearing after a while, so I guess I should be grateful they split it into two parts instead of making one three-hour movie. It makes me wish more filmmakers picked up the gauntlet that Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle threw down: big-budget, special effects-heavy, martial-arts blockbusters

Well, they can't use anything with "L.A. Noire" in it, because Rockstar owns that IP now and might do an official sequel someday. That and the new game is set in Shanghai.