The Angry Internet

this is the real Atlas, that other guy is a parasitical impostenator

nice try, Mr. Atias

nice try, Mr. Atias

only 1184 posts and just four within the last week, this thread probably won't even rank in the top 50 (never mind overtaking the Community finale)

only 1184 posts and just four within the last week, this thread probably won't even rank in the top 50 (never mind overtaking the Community finale)

Johnny Knoxville plays a struggling, "commitment-phobic" stand-up comic
who gets his literal and metaphorical act together by babysitting the
"genius son" of a single mother, played by Renée Zellweger

Johnny Knoxville plays a struggling, "commitment-phobic" stand-up comic
who gets his literal and metaphorical act together by babysitting the
"genius son" of a single mother, played by Renée Zellweger

paternalistic nanny-state glip shpikkle glup gaplork shlipp splop glit plobble shlorp gloop blop sklop shlurp plipple slotch shloop

paternalistic nanny-state glip shpikkle glup gaplork shlipp splop glit plobble shlorp gloop blop sklop shlurp plipple slotch shloop

mostly Chinese/Hong Kong stuff

mostly Chinese/Hong Kong stuff





What disease did Ben and Jerry give all the prostitutes in their hometown of Waterbury, Vermont?

What disease did Ben and Jerry give all the prostitutes in their hometown of Waterbury, Vermont?

…Dick York, Dick Sargent, Sergeant York. Wow, that's weird.

…Dick York, Dick Sargent, Sergeant York. Wow, that's weird.

it got picked up by Indomina, no release date yet