The Angry Internet

I wanna kick in the radio
I wanna bomb the record store
I say
Destroy all music
I say
We just can't use it

"Method of Acting" also has an exchange I quote all the time:

"Method of Acting" also has an exchange I quote all the time:

Deadline Hollywood (a generally reliable gossip site) says that Peet, Sheen and Pepper are gone, but says nothing about Chastain. My guess is she's in it, but in such a minor role they aren't bothering to list her with the main cast.

Deadline Hollywood (a generally reliable gossip site) says that Peet, Sheen and Pepper are gone, but says nothing about Chastain. My guess is she's in it, but in such a minor role they aren't bothering to list her with the main cast.

it's a song? I didn't even know that, that's just how too cool for school I am

it's a song? I didn't even know that, that's just how too cool for school I am

I read this as "Spoon's Britt Daniel on his musical farts"

I read this as "Spoon's Britt Daniel on his musical farts"

John Wesley Concentration Camp
Creedence Clearwater Revival Revival

John Wesley Concentration Camp
Creedence Clearwater Revival Revival

Course all the good bands died two years ago or are lonely struggling to break middle America inch by inch like Patti and the Ramones! Maybe they will! Everybody else is a big fish in a little pond! No guts! Fuck 'em! Jim Purse's got a new song called "The Hostages Are Innocent"! What hostages! Tell us the clear

Course all the good bands died two years ago or are lonely struggling to break middle America inch by inch like Patti and the Ramones! Maybe they will! Everybody else is a big fish in a little pond! No guts! Fuck 'em! Jim Purse's got a new song called "The Hostages Are Innocent"! What hostages! Tell us the clear

I really enjoy the way Brendon’s pupils go googly whenever he mentions the fisheye lens to Paula.

I really enjoy the way Brendon’s pupils go googly whenever he mentions the fisheye lens to Paula.

why, does someone need braces?

why, does someone need braces?

you know how some people complained that Tim Burton's Batman movies (especially the second one) were more about the villains than Batman? well Chris Nolan just did Burton one better and made a Batman movie that's mostly about some blandass beat cop nobody ever heard of

you know how some people complained that Tim Burton's Batman movies (especially the second one) were more about the villains than Batman? well Chris Nolan just did Burton one better and made a Batman movie that's mostly about some blandass beat cop nobody ever heard of
