The Angry Internet

headline in today's Variety: "Slick Dick pic lacks kick"

headline in today's Variety: "Slick Dick pic lacks kick"

All copyrights for sound recordings expire fifty years after publication, though efforts are afoot to extend the performer's copyright to 95 years after publication. Film producers lose their copyrights after fifty years, but the director's copyright lasts 70 years after the death of the director, screenwriter, or

All copyrights for sound recordings expire fifty years after publication, though efforts are afoot to extend the performer's copyright to 95 years after publication. Film producers lose their copyrights after fifty years, but the director's copyright lasts 70 years after the death of the director, screenwriter, or

They tried again later with GANEFO, which didn't work out much better. Probably because of their terrible, terrible name.

They tried again later with GANEFO, which didn't work out much better. Probably because of their terrible, terrible name.

The initial drive behind Ai's documentary work — bar his early experimental/installation-type work, which has about as much to do with his later documentaries as Michael Snow does with Michael Moore — was anger over the schoolhouse collapses and the government's handling thereof, i.e. to minimize the failures and

The initial drive behind Ai's documentary work — bar his early experimental/installation-type work, which has about as much to do with his later documentaries as Michael Snow does with Michael Moore — was anger over the schoolhouse collapses and the government's handling thereof, i.e. to minimize the failures and

which is fitting since that's supposedly where he got the name in the first place

there is absolutely no agreement among French-speaking peoples whether to capitalize nouns following articles, for example French Wikipedia says you should (if the title doesn't constitute a complete sentence) but others disagree (e.g. AFP) — in any case "La Jetée" seems more common on French websites than "La jetée"

there is absolutely no agreement among French-speaking peoples whether to capitalize nouns following articles, for example French Wikipedia says you should (if the title doesn't constitute a complete sentence) but others disagree (e.g. AFP) — in any case "La Jetée" seems more common on French websites than "La jetée"

It is special treatment, but it's special treatment they extend to 24 of their member associations, or over one-tenth of the total membership. I don't see it going away anytime soon.

same here, but with Charlie Chan

same here, but with Charlie Chan

nunchucks are hugely controversial among think-of-the-children types — they're illegal in a bunch of countries and a few U.S. states, and the '80s/'90s TMNT stuff was censored in the UK so you never saw Mike hitting anyone with his nunchucks (this was in addition to changing the name to "Hero Turtles")

nunchucks are hugely controversial among think-of-the-children types — they're illegal in a bunch of countries and a few U.S. states, and the '80s/'90s TMNT stuff was censored in the UK so you never saw Mike hitting anyone with his nunchucks (this was in addition to changing the name to "Hero Turtles")

Animal Planet already solved this problem, just bring it back and extend IOC recognition and done

Animal Planet already solved this problem, just bring it back and extend IOC recognition and done

The ONLY time Bob Costas was good was his late night show a few years ago

No, it really is. He says they did an "absolutely perfect" master for the 2009 BD (which for some reason they didn't use for the 2012 reissue, which uses a new master made last year), but the actual "mass production" version used "badly made" prints. So Fox and their assorted partners in the disc mastering/authoring