The Angry Internet

At least this issue didn't have any sexual violence against women (really, what is up with all the rape?)

"Who Washes the Washmen's Infinite Secrets of Legendary Crossover Knight Wars?"

"Who Washes the Washmen's Infinite Secrets of Legendary Crossover Knight Wars?"

Critiques of the U.S. are often bound up with Korean nationalism, but this is overlap, not equivalence. It's hard to see much Korean nationalism in a film where every Korean character outside the central family is an obstacle—except for a single homeless man, pretty much a classic exception-that-proves-the-rule in

Critiques of the U.S. are often bound up with Korean nationalism, but this is overlap, not equivalence. It's hard to see much Korean nationalism in a film where every Korean character outside the central family is an obstacle—except for a single homeless man, pretty much a classic exception-that-proves-the-rule in

Katy Perry needs her own Wrong Cops if she wants to rise to Marilyn Manson's level

Katy Perry needs her own Wrong Cops if she wants to rise to Marilyn Manson's level

That dude is so goofy-looking I pretty much broke up every time he got a closeup. More than made up for how tin-eared the English dialogue is.

That dude is so goofy-looking I pretty much broke up every time he got a closeup. More than made up for how tin-eared the English dialogue is.

The other neat thing is how the monster's goofiness — it's awkward and clumsy (it trips over its own feet) and generally sickly — twins him with Gang-du. (There's an interview where Bong says the real-life equivalent of the monster would be Steve Buscemi in Fargo.) Think of the scene where Gang-du takes out some sort

The other neat thing is how the monster's goofiness — it's awkward and clumsy (it trips over its own feet) and generally sickly — twins him with Gang-du. (There's an interview where Bong says the real-life equivalent of the monster would be Steve Buscemi in Fargo.) Think of the scene where Gang-du takes out some sort

@avclub-534b36b22aab256cdb15c38b66ea1a74:disqus "Lang. Which never made sense to me, since it sounds Asian."

@avclub-534b36b22aab256cdb15c38b66ea1a74:disqus "Lang. Which never made sense to me, since it sounds Asian."

sometimes the lie is better than the truth

sometimes the lie is better than the truth

"The book follows Dee Dee as he moves into the Hotel Chelsea in New York City with his wife Barbra and dog Banfield. Dee Dee becomes convinced that the room he is staying in is the one where his old friend Sid Vicious killed his girlfriend, Nancy Spungen. Dee Dee is further visited by other dead punks, including

"The book follows Dee Dee as he moves into the Hotel Chelsea in New York City with his wife Barbra and dog Banfield. Dee Dee becomes convinced that the room he is staying in is the one where his old friend Sid Vicious killed his girlfriend, Nancy Spungen. Dee Dee is further visited by other dead punks, including

they were competitors, Showbiz bought out Chuck E. Cheese and eventually dumped the Showbiz brand

they were competitors, Showbiz bought out Chuck E. Cheese and eventually dumped the Showbiz brand

the Full Metal Jacket soundtrack has an R. Lee Ermey cadence call against a sort of rap-rock backing (complete with electric guitar interlude)