The Angry Internet

this show is still one of the very few works to successfully capture how ugly babies really are, my hat is off to the palsied hands of the creators

sacré bleu mon dieu!

sacré bleu mon dieu!

relatively rare sure, but I think it happens more than most people realize — here's some other cases where the director's preferred cut is shorter (Payback is also shorter, in case it isn't clear from the article):

relatively rare sure, but I think it happens more than most people realize — here's some other cases where the director's preferred cut is shorter (Payback is also shorter, in case it isn't clear from the article):

pretty much any power the movie has as a statement about The War is metaphorical — it's a total cartoon if you take it at all literally, and having Christian Marquand show up to so baldly lay it out for Willard ("You Americans are fighting for ze biggest nothing in history") grounds things in a way that feels totally

pretty much any power the movie has as a statement about The War is metaphorical — it's a total cartoon if you take it at all literally, and having Christian Marquand show up to so baldly lay it out for Willard ("You Americans are fighting for ze biggest nothing in history") grounds things in a way that feels totally

they're still in print in Japan (both the original and Renewal versions — the original 1997 DVDs have never gone out of print over there), so that's not likely to be the reason

they're still in print in Japan (both the original and Renewal versions — the original 1997 DVDs have never gone out of print over there), so that's not likely to be the reason

whatever Scott said about the DC after the fact, he supervised it and the Blu-ray transfer of both versions (which look the same since they're seamlessly branched, unlike the Blade Runner set where they used totally different encodes)

whatever Scott said about the DC after the fact, he supervised it and the Blu-ray transfer of both versions (which look the same since they're seamlessly branched, unlike the Blade Runner set where they used totally different encodes)

the final cut of Blade Runner also has a ridiculous teal push that makes it look like every other slick action blockbuster of the past five or so years, I'll stick with the '92 cut until Ridley comes to his senses on that (he did the same thing to the "director's cut" BD of Alien)

the final cut of Blade Runner also has a ridiculous teal push that makes it look like every other slick action blockbuster of the past five or so years, I'll stick with the '92 cut until Ridley comes to his senses on that (he did the same thing to the "director's cut" BD of Alien)

@avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus that wouldn't account for the relative obscurity of Fujianese cuisine in the West, given that Fujianese immigrants were the second major group within the Western Chinese diaspora; on the other hand the differences between Cantonese food (sweeter, lots of stir-frying) and

@avclub-23dc117ef9479407fb6c6a666005af40:disqus that wouldn't account for the relative obscurity of Fujianese cuisine in the West, given that Fujianese immigrants were the second major group within the Western Chinese diaspora; on the other hand the differences between Cantonese food (sweeter, lots of stir-frying) and

I justify calling Last of the Mohicans a Western because it is mostly set in western New York

I justify calling Last of the Mohicans a Western because it is mostly set in western New York

the first pressings of the White Album were embossed and individually numbered, I don't know how much that cost but I'm guessing it wasn't really cheaper than a standard four-color job

the first pressings of the White Album were embossed and individually numbered, I don't know how much that cost but I'm guessing it wasn't really cheaper than a standard four-color job

do they indeed?