The Angry Internet

he talked about it in another interview just a couple of weeks ago

I want to learn more about ass acting

there is no studio, it was financed by these guys

there is only one Sidekicks

it's pretty clear who really wore the pants in that relationship

what's really interesting is that none of that actually contradicts what was originally written

there's a somewhat surreal letter in Truffaut's collected correspondence where he writes to Paul Newman (who was trying to make a Mandrake movie at the time) and suggests Alain Resnais to direct it

@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus but the truth is way better in this case since it means Ireland is literally just "Fatland"

"hi my name is Father Ted"

the "Éire"/"Aryan" link is an old folk etymology (often bound up with unpleasant racialist philosophy) — the actual origins are probably completely distinct:

"Zombie" is epoch-shattering historical analysis compared with "Give Ireland Back to the Irish"

he was pretty normal in Public Enemies (despite playing a national celebrity who made his living robbing banks) and was boring in that one too

"I hope there's a middle ground here."

spreadingsantorum is #8 on Google as I type this (still on the first page), and the Wikipedia article on the phrase is #2

luckily convincing sexual chemistry has never really been a big element in any of these movies

Huckabees is great and Wahlberg was fantastic in it, it takes a real gift to pull off lines like "ah, here he comes, the man-poet who banged France's Dark Lady of Philosophy, the parking lot crusader of truth who turned his back on his Other like a cold-blooded gangsta"

as I recall Michaels wanted pretty much all of the KITH for SNL, so I'd be surprised if Foley on Newsradio was his doing

one year I made my car in the form of the Ninja Turtles' van, which everyone warned me would be completely unaerodynamic and would probably just tip over

that picture makes me want to commit violence

no, he means no service ever will