The Angry Internet

no because the /p/ in "Perd" is word-initial and not word-internal

"I haven't felt this ill since that Ronald Reagan movie"

Kurosawa's last two movies were completely Japanese productions, also any given late-period Kurosawa is superior to most of his '40s output

Japan's current obscenity law dates back to 1907 and was part of the wholesale adoption of Western-style legal codes, there is absolutely nothing in the postwar constitution regarding pornography and in fact it specifically proscribes censorship (Article 21)

Nielsen has provided minute-by-minute ratings (including ad breaks) for half a decade via Nielsen All Minute — you don't see them posted at TV by the Numbers, etc. because they'd rather not deal with C&Ds for publicly sharing one of Nielsen's most expensive products, but anyone who wants them and is willing to pay can

the inheritance is in some trust fund he can't touch until he's in his 40s, the E720 money came from the settlement after he got run over by a Lexus

it means Warner sells it exclusively through their webstore, burns it to DVD-R, and charges you more than what you'd pay for a real DVD

all these other people are wrong, it sucks

has anyone seen those Star Wars

hey wait a minute how could North Korea invade the United States

I went outside

your cat is a goddamn coward

I too am astounded that networks actually care about how much money a TV show brings in

love the idea that Cloverfield just magically "went viral" and that it wasn't actually a multimillion-dollar studio-backed ad campaign

we should let the market sort all that shit out, time to assert my First Amendment right to build a giant antenna that overwhelms every radio, TV, cellular, and satellite signal in a three-state radius

pretty sure there's no U.S. trailer for Carnage yet

I assume everyone here knows that regulating content is actually a small part of what the FCC does

yeah Rabin is way too generous, this is probably a G- at best

there is an edit button now, just saying

any favorable reaction to Two Broke Girls is prospective praise, awarded with the expectation of more tits to come