The Traveling Lansburys

an intern?

Only in Obama's America

Actually she was 12 during filming.

Miss Congeniality

Ha! Joke's on you. I'm visiting my mom before summer classes start.

"Twenty-three is old. It's almost 25, which is like almost mid-20s."

Pensacola is a Hellmouth.

It'll probably be up on logotv.com within the next few hours.

Victoria will place a bar of soap outside the bathtub!

Yeah, it was one of the first books I had to sneak read for multiple hours after bed time. Until high school, I always read every book in one sitting. I would read in the grocery store, the dinner table, the shower…

Mine would definitely have to be a tie among Harriet the Spy, the Anne of Green Gables series, the Landry News, The Westing Game, Walk Two Moons, and the Count of Monte Cristo. The first five from early elementary onward, and the Count of Monte Cristo from fourth grade onward. I carried around a notebook for a while

This isn't a losing virginity story, but the first time I ever dry humped, I was in my boyfriend's dorm room. For excitement he liked to makeout on his roommate's bed. So we were on his roommate's bed, both of us wearing thick blue jeans, and he asks if I would like to try dry humping. For the next hour with my head

There were identical twins at my high school named Malcolm and Hannibal. We could only tell them apart because Hannibal had a chipped tooth, which he obviously had obtained by being a cannibal. Hannibal the Cannibal!

I think Here's to You, Rachel Robinson. I never read that one though.

Did anyone else ever read Just as Long as We're Together ? I was obsessed with that book and must have read it at the very least two dozen times, really relating to all the friendship struggles and the divorce plot. Is it actually any good?

Just try the Aztec dream herb Calea Zacatechichi. That stuff is the worst.

Since he was around 2, my little nephew's favorite songs have been Femme Fatale, After Hours, Yellow Submarine, Blister in the Sun, Who Let the Dogs Out, and Intergalactic. He'll bop his head to Intergalactic the entire time, and the song will get to "let the beat…" and then we look at each other and scream "DROP."

In my college town, there's a bald guy who wears very short shorts and large headphones. He dances all over street corners all day. He holds up the peace sign. If you approach him, he says he hates people. He used to have a website that discussed how he had a new technology that would teach the world to love, but now

So quickly we forget Knight and Day. Don't worry. Everybody else has too.

People do it all the time, don't you know? I know a girl who claims either her best friend or mother committed suicide to get out of exams.
Yeah…both of them are definitely insane dicks.