
Wild? I was absolutely livid!

The Justin Bieber / Anne Frank one still makes me laugh. Beliebfs…..

I saw You Don't Know Bo recently and thought that it was one of the best that I've seen. As someone who follows North American sports, and is English I'd heard the name but hadn't seen anything of him, it was great to watch.

I'm a little torn on this one. Instinctively I would argue for equal pay, but when one considers that men play best of 5 and women best of 3 there is something of an argument against. The shorter length of women's matches means that they are more likely to play doubles and therefore have opportunity to earn more than

Is this the time for an Edward Snowdon gimmick account to post something like

It's a body that issues rating certificates to films (U, PG,12,15,18 etc) but can force cuts to be made before issuing a certificate. We have no equivalent to NC-17 which I think pretty much means that anything goes?

A mix of influences for me:

I finished the 4th season of Friday Night Lights. While the Lions victory was a little obvious, it was made up for by the best Coach speech so far and Mrs Coach in the little wooly hat. Just started the 5th season now, with a mixture of expectation and sadness that this is the last season.

It's motion capture of Andy Serkis as with everything these days.

Based on watching HIMYM, isn't that Alan Thicke?

Reading this reminds me that I've had the DVDs on my bookcase for about 3 years (bought after reading all the praise on here) and for some reason haven't watched them. Let's hope I can get the first two episodes watched before next week.

Programme as in television whereas program is as in computer program. Who knows why!

I've always thought that it's the first album of a band that you hear that turns out to be the favourite. I heard Alligator first and find that the best whereas friends heard High Violet and prefer that to Alligator or Boxer. Similarly with Arcade Fire, I got Neon Bible first and rate that highest but others that

You got Piers Morgan, so we're still ahead!

I'm not sure if it's pretension or just insanity, but artists who refer to themselves in the third person in an interview make me question their grasp on reality. Mind you, it happens a lot in sports as well, often with boxers, so perhaps it's a side effect of being punched repeatedly in the face.

Socialism? Perhaps by US standards, but the current UK government is not what I'd describe as socialist, it's probably the most right-wing one for a considerable amount of time, doing things that even Thatcher wouldn't have considered. The only policy they have that I can describe as not insanely right-wing is support

We have, in some areas. I'd imagine that we're just less likely to spend money on cosmetic dental procedures.

You're right - born in County Durham.

Didn't mention gravy, it can't have been written by a proper northerner!

Sad but true.