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    Apart from the Dwight Dixon arc (and the cancellation), I didn't have any problems with Season 2 of Pushing Daisies.

    Yeah, I was a little disappointed that the article focused so much on the government conspiracy part of the show and neglected to delve into the sci-fi aspects of the show, not to mention the Batman-esque crime-fighting and recurring villains aspects.

    Ah, I must have confused it since he also managed to cause his slinky to catch on fire when he attempted to repair it.

    Viva Mars Vegas was a pretty big win for Zoidberg for a good portion of the episode.

    Remember, this is the same guy that managed to burn his underwater house down… I'm sure he found some way to do it wrong.

    But didn't the feather test prove that the chosen seer would be similarly gifted as Jaye is?

    We've known since the pilot that it stocked the Maid of the Mist videos and merchandise, so it's very likely that they would have had other Native American paraphernalia for sale back then as well.

    It wasn't so much a ghost as it was another inanimate thing with a face talking to Jaye. It (she) was still muse-cryptic, and Jaye saw her inanimate body move; she didn't see a spirit floating nearby the inanimate body as she would for a ghost.

    Caged Bird is my third or fourth favorite episode of the series, so it's certainly capable of being liked well enough to potentially surpass Cocktail Bunny (though it doesn't quite surpass it for me), but I definitely agree with you on Totem Mole, and I do suspect that Les probably won't prefer Caged Bird to this

    Just as Luck of the Fryish remedies Fry's feelings towards his brother and this episode addresses Fry's feelings towards his mother, the upcoming (for you, anyway) Cold Warriors is the appropriate companion piece for Fry's father, so be on the lookout for that one.

    They were going to kill him off if they didn't like the actor. They loved Emerson, so they asked him to do more than the initial 3 episodes he was signed on for. They decided to kill him off after these episodes if they still didn't like him/Emerson didn't want to continue with the show. But they still loved him, and

    There was a time when she was useful… Back in Season 1 and the beginning of Season 2. She didn't really fall apart until the love triangle started, and she came back a bit once that ended and she started looking for Claire, but, yeah, it's almost definitely for the best that she didn't end up as the central lead.

    @PoisonCup - I don't see why I would. I watch the show.

    There are perfectly legitimate reasons to not watch the show. It's a great show, but it's not for everyone. If mysteries interest you, BB doesn't have a lot to offer there. If escapism (especially fantastical escapism) interests you, BB doesn't have a lot to offer there either.

    Since they introduced the concept of ghost robots and their minds being maintained by the Cloud, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if all of Bender's parts are wirelessly and independently connected to the Cloud, and therefore are able to move themselves around independently even when disconnected from the main body.

    I think he was certainly wrong by the degree to which he hated it. After all, Season 4 was absolutely on point with Britta's and Pierce's characters, allowing Britta to have a win every now and then, and finally making Pierce a likable character and really finding what good he did for the group.

    Great read. Looking forward to the next bit.

    The video with the kids responding takes place in 2038 while Ted's story begins in 2030, so the video was implying that the story had gone on for 8 years rather than just the 184 episodes we've seen so far, which makes the bucket and spider farm thing understandable. (And they played that up by detouring into things

    But would it be less offensive if they had named McClanahan's character "Anna Edson Taylor" instead of "Mille Marcus"? Because then it would have been implying that this woman who really did go over the falls first faked it. The course of action they chose was probably a little less libelous.

    In regards to this feeling like an older episode, apparently on the DVD, the "Previously On" section for Muffin Buffalo shows a bit from Barrel Bear, implying that Barrel Bear really is supposed to be watched before Muffin Buffalo, despite it being accidentally placed afterwards in the set.